I'm using Spray client to consume a third-party API. Unfortunately, the API I'm consuming is not very secure and utilizes an authentication method using GET query parameters. Sometimes we're getting timeouts or connection issues which we know to deal with applicatively. The problem is that Spray logs this at a WARN log-level, and the URL including the sensitive query parameters () are being written in our log files.
Here's an example of the log file.
2015-05-19 12:23:17,024 WARN HttpHostConnectionSlot - Connection attempt to failed in response to GET request to /api/?type=keygen&user=test_user&password=S3kret! with 2 retries left, retrying...
2015-05-19 12:23:17,084 WARN HttpHostConnectionSlot - Connection attempt to failed in response to GET request to /api/?type=keygen&user=test_user&password=S3kret! with 1 retries left, retrying...
Is there any way to filter this? (Maybe in Akka?)