I keep getting
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Transaction (Process ID 61) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.
So i turned on the mssql logging using
and following deadlock info is printed in logs:
These line indicate that a deadlock has been detected, and process 1 has been chosen as victim.
deadlock victim=PROCESS_ID_1
Logs of process_id_1
[1] (@P0 nvarchar(4000))select namesequen0_.id as id1_47_<c/> namesequen0_.container_id as containe9_47_<c/> namesequen0_.increment_ as incremen2_47_<c/> namesequen0_.nextValue as nextValu3_47_<c/> namesequen0_.numChars as numChars4_47_<c/> namesequen0_.padChar as padChar5_47_<c/> namesequen0_.scope as scope6_47_<c/> namesequen0_.sequenceType as sequence7_47_<c/> namesequen0_.uppercase as uppercas8_47_ from NameSequence namesequen0_ where (namesequen0_.scope like @P0 ) and (namesequen0_.container_id is null)
[2] frame procname=adhoc line=1 stmtstart=40 sqlhandle=0x020000005734e00acfb3060d49cc0e8565acb3b105807744
[3] executionStack
[4] process id=PROCESS_ID_1 taskpriority=0 logused=1248 waitresource=KEY: 14:72057594053459968 (95c9fddfaf17) waittime=3506 ownerId=13645568 transactionname=implicit_transaction lasttranstarted=2015-06-02T07:52:41.660 XDES=0xa30dd950 lockMode=S schedulerid=1 kpid=1848 status=suspended spid=68 sbid=0 ecid=0 priority=0 trancount=1 lastbatchstarted=2015-06-02T07:52:41.663 lastbatchcompleted=2015-06-02T07:52:41.660 clientapp=jTDS hostname=QALAB6 hostpid=123 loginname=qalab6_nrm isolationlevel=read committed (2) xactid=13645568 currentdb=14 lockTimeout=4294967295 clientoption1=671088672 clientoption2=128058
Logs of process_id_2
[1]select card0_.id as id2_77_<c/> card0_.autoDisplayName as autoDisp3_77_<c/> card0_.autoPartialName as autoPart4_77_<c/> card0_.namedWithSequence_id as namedWi38_77_<c/> card0_.namedWithSequenceValue as namedWit5_77_<c/> card0_.userDisplayName as userDisp6_77_<c/> card0_.userPartialName as userPart7_77_<c/> card0_.lifeCycleState_id as lifeCyc40_77_<c/> card0_.model_id as model41_77_<c/> card0_.outOfService as outOfSe12_77_<c/> card0_.bottomClearance as bottomC13_77_<c/> card0_.leftClearance as leftCle14_77_<c/> card0_.rightClearance as rightCl15_77_<c/> card0_.topClearance as topClea16_77_<c/> card0_.ncmElementKey as ncmElem24_77_ from VfdItem card0_ where card0_.DTYPE='Card' and card0_.ncmElementKey= @P0
[2]frame procname=adhoc line=1 stmtstart=40 sqlhandle=0x02000000386ba721896ce39b0b7c9d01df11539c0d843c83
[4]process id=PROCESS_ID_2 taskpriority=0 logused=62048 waitresource=KEY: 14:72057594051297280 (fadae9b0c9d3) waittime=3333 ownerId=13645330 transactionname=implicit_transaction lasttranstarted=2015-06-02T07:52:39.570 XDES=0xbf9f5950 lockMode=S schedulerid=1 kpid=5344 status=suspended spid=66 sbid=0 ecid=0 priority=0 trancount=1 lastbatchstarted=2015-06-02T07:52:41.833 lastbatchcompleted=2015-06-02T07:52:41.813 clientapp=jTDS hostname=QALAB6 hostpid=123 loginname=qalab6_nrm isolationlevel=read committed (2) xactid=13645330 currentdb=14 lockTimeout=4294967295 clientoption1=671088672 clientoption2=128058
Now following line gives details of process_id_1,
Ref[1] is the query that we want to execute...Note: its a select query on a table name NameSequence
and namesequence0_.container_id
is a foreign key from a table name vfditem
Ref[4] says that it is waiting for a resource and is suspended
Now following line give details of process_id_2
which is in deadlock with process_id_1
Ref[1] Give the query process_id_2
want to run...Note its a select query on a table name vfditem
and card0_.namedWithSequence_id
is a foreign key from table name NameSequence
Ref[4] says that it is waiting for a resource and is suspended
Now following lines prints all the resource that are locked and by whom and who are waiting for that resource.
[11] waiter id=PROCESS_ID_2 mode=S requestType=wait
[10] waiter-list
[9] owner id=PROCESS_ID_1 mode=X
[8] owner-list
[7] keylock hobtid=72057594051297280 dbid=14 objectname=qalab6_nrm.dbo.vfditem indexname=vfditem_pk id=lock85330d00 mode=X associatedObjectId=72057594051297280
[6] waiter id=PROCESS_ID_1 mode=S requestType=wait
[5] waiter-list
[4] owner id=PROCESS_ID_2 mode=X
[3] owner-list
[2] keylock hobtid=72057594053459968 dbid=14 objectname=qalab6_nrm.dbo.namesequence indexname=NameSequence_PK id=lock848c3380 mode=X associatedObjectId=72057594053459968
[1] resource-list
This translates to that
[1] the resource qalab6_nrm.dbo.namesequence indexname=NameSequence_PK
is locked by process_id_2
in exclusive lock mode and process_id_1
is waiting on it.
[2] the resource qalab6_nrm.dbo.vfditem indexname=vfditem_pk
is locked by process_id_1
in exclusive lock mode and process_id_2
is waiting on it.
BINGO We can see how its been deadlocked
NOW the weird part
If we look closely process_id_1
is trying to run a select query from a table name NameSequence
and column NameSequence.container_id
is foreign key from table vfditem
and process_id_1
has already acquired a lock on indexname=vfditem_pk of vfditem table
[1] Why would process_is_1
acquire a lock on index of vfditem ?
further process_id_2
is trying to run a select query from a table name vfditem
and column vfditem.namesequence_id
is foreign key from table NameSequence
and process_id_2
has already acquired a lock on indexname=NameSequence_PK of Namesequence table
[2] Why would process_is_2
acquire a lock on index of Namesequence?