
Python/CS newbie here, trying to understand how a particular recursive function works "under the hood" in terms of how the function's stack frames are operating and what values they're "holding."

I know a lot has been written/posted about recursive functions on here, and there are illustrative examples of how they work, but the concepts of recursion and how stacks work/what they do in a recursive function are a little tricky and I'm not finding any clear and concise explanations.

Let's say we have the following recursive function that reverses the characters in a string:

text = "hello"
def reverse_string(text):
        if len(text) <= 1:
            return text
        return reverse_string(text[1:]) + text[0]

which outputs: olleh

I'm thinking that the frames for the reverse_string(text[1:]) work as follows:

Global frame
text    "hello"

text    "hello"

text    "ello"

text    "llo"

text    "lo"

text    "o"

value   "o"

But what happens after the value "o" is returned and the terminating base condition is met? How does text[0] work in the function to finally arrive at "olleh" ?


1 Answers


Just taking your example for a walk.

Once we reach the terminating condition, the remaining frames are pop'd in reverse order.

Suppose we reach the terminating condition in which case return text is "hit" and text = "o" is returned. Then in the previous frame we have reverse_string(text[1:]) + text[0] but this is just reverse_string("o") + "l" = "o" + "l" = "ol" = reverse_string(text[1:]), where reverse_string(text[1:]) is the call from the previous frame (the one for which text was equal to "llo"). Continuing this logic, reverse_string("lo") + "l" = "ol" + "l" = "oll".

We continue this same idea until we reach the "top" frame where we finally return "olleh".