
I want to use the trainCascadeObjectDetector in Matlab. It requires an array with the regions of interest of the images. I found two apps where you can put boxes around the rois and the array gets created automatically:

Cascade Trainer: Specify Ground Truth, Train a Detector

Training Image Labeler

Unfortunately they both require Matlab R2014 and I only got R2013. Is there an other way to define the rois without manually creating the array?

Regards Philip

You can contact the author of the Cascade Trainer through the MATLAB File Exchange. He can send you a version that will work with R2013b.Dima

1 Answers


I did not find an other solution so I wrote a custom Matlab script for the job. The imrect function in Matlab is well suitable for this. After the image is shown, the user can drag a rectangular over the region of interest. The coordinates of the region than get stored in a structure together with the path to the image file. Additionally the parts of the image that do not belong to the roi are stored in the negative sample folder.