For a legacy Classic ASP application, I am supposed to remove all security attack issues. Currently, DB contains data which is already encoded and there will be no more Insert/update operations. Only select operations from now on wards.
I am able to remove SQL Injection and few other security issues, but, unable to remove
Cross Site Scripting (XSS) : Poor Validation Issue
This became bottle neck for delivery of the project.
Could anybody help me on this.
Example: My data in DB as following.
One Cell Sample Data (Korean and English Char)
1.. Rupture disc 설치 관련 필요 자재 List<BR>──────────────────────────────────────<BR> No 필요 자재 재질 비 고 <BR>──────────────────────────────────────<BR> 1 inlet isolation valve, 8" Hast C276 기존 재고 사용 <BR> 2 RD holder inlet/outlet Hast C276 / 316L 신규 구매 <BR> 3 Rupture Disc Hast C276 신규 구매 <BR> 4 SV outlet isolation valve, 10" SUS 316L 신규 구매 <BR>──────────────────────────────────────<BR><BR>2. Rupture Disc Specification<BR> 1) Rupture design press : 4kg/cm2<BR> 2) Design temperature : 100℃<BR> 3) Rupture press tolerance : ± 5%<BR> 4) Manufacturing range : + 0%, - 10%<BR> 5) Material spec : M1, M4, C31<BR> 6) Max. allowable oper press : 3.2kg/cm2 (at 100℃)<BR><BR>3. Rupture Disc spec 선정 기준<BR> . Code, Standard = API 520, ASME VIII<BR> . Required Burst Pressure = Vessel Design Pressure<BR> . Manufacturing range(+0% ∼ -10%) of Required Burst Pressure<BR> . Rupture Pressure Tolerance +5%, -5% of Stamped Burst Pressure<BR> . Specified Disc Temperature = Actual Temperature of Disc in Operation <BR> → usually lower at disc than in liquid phase of vessel <BR><BR>4. Rupture Disk 전단 및 SV2209 후단 Isolation valve는 CSO(CAR SEAL OPEN) .<BR><BR>5. Rupture Disk 후단에 PG2209를 설치하여 운전 중 Rupture disk 파손 여부 확인 가능토록 함.<BR>
I am displaying above cell data as follows:
Sample Page:
<!-- #include file="INCLUDES/" -->
sampledata = rs("sampledata")
<TD><%= ClearForAttack(sampledata) =%></TD>
The above functions defined as follows :
User Defined Functions:
Function HTMLDecode(sText)
Dim I
sText = Replace(sText, """, Chr(34))
sText = Replace(sText, "<" , Chr(60))
sText = Replace(sText, ">" , Chr(62))
sText = Replace(sText, "&" , Chr(38))
sText = Replace(sText, " ", Chr(32))
For I = 1 to 255
sText = Replace(sText, "&#" & I & ";", Chr(I))
HTMLDecode = sText
End Function
Function ClearForAttack(pStrValue)
if len(pStrValue)>0 then
pStrValue = HTMLDecode(Server.HTMLEncode(pStrValue))
pStrValue = replace(pStrValue,"'","")
pStrValue = replace(pStrValue,"`","")
pStrValue = replace(pStrValue,"%","")
pStrValue = replace(pStrValue,"<","<")
pStrValue = replace(pStrValue,">",">")
pStrValue = ""
end if
ClearForAttack = pStrValue
End Function
To display already encoded data I am using both HTMLDecode and HTMLEncode Functions
Please EDIT functions or suggest me another approach.
Your help or suggestions are highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
. – Paul