I have an Inno Setup Pascal script that prompts the user for 4 folders. Three of the folders should already exist. The 4th being used as a placeholder where I am going to mount a VHD disk in the future. So all I use is the string value of this folder.
When the user runs the script, he gets an error that the UNC path does not exist (well, yes, it should not exist. For example, if he said "L:\myfolder" then the L: drive is not loaded yet, and there is no disk there. That is correct. My Inno Setup script will load it for you later.
How can I disable checking for the folder?
FoldersPage := CreateInputDirPage(InfoPage.ID,
'FoldersSettings', 'Customize folders settings for non-standard EGPL systems',
'If the defaults are acceptable, then click Next.',
False, 'New Folder');
FoldersPage.Add('GeoPackage Output Folder');
FoldersPage.Add('VHD Mount Path for GeoLibrarian');
FoldersPage.Add('EGPL Source Folder');
FoldersPage.Add('WWW Root Folder');