
We have a service with ~200 API. The API are swagger enabled and accessible at http://localhost:8080/api-docs.

WSO2 AM provides an option to import the swagger definitions.

While importing should we specify the base api-docs URL (http://localhost:8080/api-docs)? In this case all API are imported under a single API (i.e., all 200 API appear under a single API in publisher). Is this the right way? Is there way to import each API separately?


2 Answers


WSO2 API Manager will treat as a single API when it imports a swagger file. If your swagger contains multiple API definitions, you may break it to pieces before importing.


You can import the whole group of 200 API definitions multiple times and drop the one you don't want in WSO2 API Manager UI. This way you will split your big service in multiple WSO2 APIs without "major re-engineering" work.

For example you import your service twice, and you keep the first 100 API definitions in first WSO2 API and the 100 others in second WSO2 API.