I use oglplus - it's a c++ wrapper for OpenGL.
I have a problem with defining instanced data for my particle renderer - positions work fine but something goes wrong when I want to instance a bunch of ints from the same VBO.
I am going to skip some of the implementation details to not make this problem more complicated. Assume that I bind VAO and VBO before described operations.
I have an array of structs (called "Particle") that I upload like this:
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(Particle) * numInstances, newData, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW);
Definition of the struct:
struct Particle
float3 position;
//some more attributes, 9 floats in total
int fluidID;
I use a helper function to define the OpenGL attributes like this:
void addInstancedAttrib(const InstancedAttribDescriptor& attribDesc, GLSLProgram& program, int offset=0)
//binding and some implementation details
oglplus::VertexArrayAttrib attrib(program, attribDesc.getName().c_str());
attrib.Pointer(attribDesc.getPerVertVals(), attribDesc.getType(), false, sizeof(Particle), (void*)offset);
I add attributes for positions and fluidids like this:
InstancedAttribDescriptor posDesc(3, "InstanceTranslation", oglplus::DataType::Float);
this->instancedData.addInstancedAttrib(posDesc, this->program);
InstancedAttribDescriptor fluidDesc(1, "FluidID", oglplus::DataType::Int);
this->instancedData.addInstancedAttrib(fluidDesc, this->program, (int)offsetof(Particle,fluidID));
Vertex shader code:
uniform vec3 FluidColors[2];
in vec3 InstanceTranslation;
in vec3 VertexPosition;
in vec3 n;
in int FluidID;
out float lightIntensity;
out vec3 sphereColor;
void main()
//some typical MVP transformations
sphereColor = FluidColors[FluidID];
gl_Position = projection * vertexPosEye;
This code as whole produces this output:
As you can see, the particles are arranged in the way I wanted them to be, which means that "InstanceTranslation" property is setup correctly. The group of the particles to the left have FluidID value of 0 and the ones to the right equal to 1. The second set of particles have proper positions but index improperly into FluidColors array.
What I know:
It's not a problem with the way I set up the FluidColors uniform. If I hard-code the color selection in the shader like this:
sphereColor = FluidID == 0? FluidColors[0] : FluidColors1;
I get:
- OpenGL returns GL_NO_ERROR from glGetError so there's no problem with the enums/values I provide
- It's not a problem with the offsetof macro. I tried using hard-coded values and they didn't work either.
- It's not a compatibility issue with GLint, I use simple 32bit Ints (checked this with sizeof(int))
- I need to use FluidID as a instanced attrib that indexes into the color array because otherwise, if I were to set the color for a particle group as a simple vec3 uniform, I'd have to batch the same particle types (with the same FluidID) together first which means sorting them and it'd be too costly of an operation.