currently I am new in windows phone 8.1 c# store application development . my application need in-app purchase , I refer so many links on Internet I found documents on windows phone 8 and windows phone 8.1 silverlight apps only , no specific document for windows phone 8.1 store application . as per windows phone 8 document I submit my application as beta app, and create one consumable product , for testing in currentAppsimulator class I have created one testwindoesphone.xml file and working fine but I dont know how to construct code with currentApp class. I have refer msdn , but every time I found 805a0194 error while I used CurrentApp class . please guide me for enalble in-app purchase in my windows phone 8.1 application .
async private void btnCurrentApp_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
LicenceInfo = CurrentApp.LicenseInformation;
//await CurrentApp.RequestProductPurchaseAsync("PremimumVersion",false);
if (LicenceInfo.ProductLicenses["PremimumVersion"].IsActive)
Debug.WriteLine("Already Purchased");
// await CurrentApp.RequestAppPurchaseAsync(false);
//await CurrentApp.RequestProductPurchaseAsync("PremimumVersion");
await CurrentApp.RequestProductPurchaseAsync("PremimumVersion");
var productLicenses = CurrentApp.LicenseInformation.ProductLicenses;
MaybeGiveMeGold(productLicenses["Premimum App"], 0);
//PurchaseResults purchaseResults = await CurrentApp.RequestProductPurchaseAsync();
//Debug.WriteLine("Purchase Status :: " + purchaseResults.Status);
please let me know that where to put appid or guid in appxmanifest file .
Note: I have already done store association for beta app.
Please help me out for that , sorry for poor English