After going through your question it made sense that for a shop owner it needs to be like the mail should have sent from address as the client's email address, so that he can reply to each order in a single email thread.
//filter for the "mail from" email address which is set in WooCommerce Settings Email Tab-> Email Sender Options -> "From" Email Address which is generally set to the shop admin email address or a support team email address.
add_filter('wp_mail_from', 'wdm_sent_from_email', 99, 1);
//function which will change the mail from email address to the the Customer's billing address if the mail this filter is running which sending mail to the admin.
function wdm_sent_from_email( $sent_from = '' ) {
//check whether our custom parameter is set or not.
if ( isset($_POST['wdm_sent_to_admin']) ) {
//check whether the mail is sent to the admin and other recieptent other than customer
if ( $_POST['wdm_sent_to_admin'] ) {
//set it to the customer's billing email
$sent_from = $_POST['billing_email'];
//set this parameter back to false
$_POST['wdm_sent_to_admin'] == false;
return $sent_from;
//filter for email from name
add_filter('wp_mail_from_name', 'wdm_sent_from_name', 99, 1);
function wdm_sent_from_name( $sent_from_name = '' ) {
//check whether our custom parameter is set or not.
if ( isset($_POST['wdm_sent_to_admin_from_name']) ) {
//check whether the mail is sent to the admin and other recieptent other than customer
if ( $_POST['wdm_sent_to_admin_from_name'] ) {
//set sent mail from name eg. "Website-Name customer"
$sent_from_name = wp_specialchars_decode(esc_html(get_option('woocommerce_email_from_name')), ENT_QUOTES) . " customer";
//set this parameter back to false
$_POST['wdm_sent_to_admin_from_name'] = false;
return $sent_from_name;
//action were we will set and the parameter to indicate whether the mail is sent to admin or customers.
add_action('woocommerce_email_header', 'wdm_header_function', 99, 1);
function wdm_header_function( $email_heading ) {
if ( $email_heading == 'New customer order' ) {
//parameter to indicate whether to change the from email in the mail.
$_POST['wdm_sent_to_admin'] = true;
//parameter to indicate whether to change the from name in the mail.
$_POST['wdm_sent_to_admin_from_name'] = true;
//Just to indicate in mail sent to admin that the sent from email is set in code.
echo "<b>Its Because you have chosen to have this email sent from Customer's Email id.</b>";
} else {
//parameter to indicate whether to change the from email in the mail.
$_POST['wdm_sent_to_admin'] = false;
//parameter to indicate whether to change the from name in the mail.
$_POST['wdm_sent_to_admin_from_name'] = false;
Note : This might give you and alert message while viewing the message at your side only saying "This message may not have been sent by: (your customer's billing address) " as this is not really sent by a customer to you.
Try out the above code and lemme know whether it works for you and accomplishes your purpose.