
I copy and pasted an git clone command from a web page: https://fedorahosted.org/ibus-typing-booster/

I got this:

user@host> git clone ​​http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/ibus-typing-booster.git

Cloning into 'ibus-typing-booster'...
fatal: I don't handle protocol '​​http'
You can also take the (correct) URLs from the bottom of the repository view here.poke
@poke the URL is correct. I don't understand what you want to tell me.guettli
You can copy/paste it from there. It’s the URL generated by the repository viewer, and not a manually inserted one in some wiki, so it’s likely more correct.poke
This happened to me using msys-git and trying to paste (with ctrl-v and ctrl-shift-v), before realizing they were not valid keyboard shortcuts. Redoing the command and pasting with right-click->paste seemed to work.Casey Kuball
for me editing start of the protocol and retyping the same fixed it. May be some invisible utf characters messed things.Seenivasan

20 Answers


I copied and pasted the whole line git clone http://....

The character between git clone and http://... looks like a space, but it is a special Unicode character!

Short answer: After removing this character, and entering a real space, it worked!

For people who love details: I see two ways to reveal ascii vs special-unicode-characters

Way1: Python

Here is the real line:

vi t.txt # copy+paste the line
git clone \xe2\x80\x8b\xe2\x80\x8bhttp://...

Way2: less

vi t.txt # copy+paste the line
LESSCHARSET=ascii less vi.txt

If it looks like git clone <E2><80><8B><E2><80><8B>http://, then you copy+pasted special-unicode-characters.


Use backspace to delete whatever there is between git clone and the url and then use spacebar to add a clean space between them. Simple as that.


I simply added 5 "SPACE"s between clone and the url:

  git clone     ​https://<PATH>/<TO>/<GIT_REPO>.git

and it works!


Summary: Type the url instead of copy pasting it in the commandline. It worked for me.


Mostly it is due to some invisible unicode characters which can come if you hit "Ctrl+V" or "Ctrl+Shift+V" in the terminal. Don't copy and paste the whole command. Instead , type git clone and then copy and paste the url using Right Click + Paste.


My solution:

  1. Type: git clone .
  2. Copy the repository url and paste it after of git clone .
  3. Move the cursor to position between git clone and https://... .
  4. Delete space if it had between git clone and https://... until have git clonehttps://...
  5. Re-add the space and press Enter.

I used double quotes for the URL and it worked. So something like

git clone "​​http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/ibus-typing-booster.git"

works.. single quotes dont help. It has to be double quotes.


You can also use a text editor:

  • Paste the URL in the text editor
  • Copy the URL that was just pasted from the text editor
  • Paste it in the command line

Please do not copy from the clipboard . Just copy the url from your browser's location / Address bar .enter image description here


The solution is very simple:

1- Copy your git path. forexample : http://github.com/yourname/my-git-project.git

2- Open notepad and Paste it. Then copy the path from notepad.

3- paste the path to command line

thats it.


The same issue happened with me when I have just copied the url into the clipboard and then pasted it into the terminal. Rewriting whole the line without copy-past option resolved my issue.


In Android Studio:

I removed git clone and just retain the url only and it worked!!


clonning below :

git clone https://github.com/zendframework/ZendSkeletonApplication.git

gives error:

Cloning into 'ZendSkeletonApplication'...
fatal: I don't handle protocol 'https'

Modified it to:

git clone https://github.com/zendframework/ZendSkeletonApplication

works perfectly or you can just git clone the url. I am using os windows 10 and gitbash.


if you are using windows use 'url' speech marks to open and close your url eg git clone 'your-url-here'


Please Check URL you have pasted and It takes additional h after clone.

So either you have paste full git clone http://<URL>.git or just remove additional letter before git repository URL.


in visual studio code option git:clone i tried every thing e.g putting 5 backspace, deleting the special Unicode character! and putting space nothing works for me

solution works for me

simply open git bash and paste the whole git clone url and done,

it seems there is some issue with visual studio code


This just happened to us without any whitespace issues, and changing https: to http: fixed it...


Related answer with this question.
Error - fatal: I don't handle protocol 'git clone https'
I was trying to clone git project to my newly installed VScode in my Linux system, i was copied the entire url from bit bucket, which was like

git clone https://[email protected]/abcuser/myproject.git

But actually it running command like

git clone git clone https://[email protected]/abcuser/myproject.git

in the bit bucket.
So Simply do the following steps :
1. Enter Ctr+p; this will open command box. Enter and open 'Clone'
2. Now only paste the url of your git reposiratory here. eg: https://[email protected]/abcuser/myproject.git
3. After that box for enter your git password will appear on screen. Enter your git password here.
4. Done.


Well looks like if you copy paste the repository link you end up with this issue.

What I have noticed it this

  1. If you use the copy button on GitHub and then paste the URL in GitBash(Windows) it throws this error
  2. If you select the link and then paste then it works, or you could also just type the URL that works as well.

So I think it might be an issue with the GitHub copy button


If you are using Git Extensions GUI or GitHub Desktop (means if you're using any UI software and not command-line tool) to clone the repo then you have to copy and paste only the URL i.e. https://... So there is no need to have git clone before URL as That Software will do it itself.