
I just added Grouping function in my ui-grid, but then I found that the filtering function is broken. It happends in the official tutorial. In the example, no matter what you type in the filter box in the demo, nothing will change in the grid.

So for example, in that tutorial, I type Wyoming in the filter under the State header, I hope to see that only the first row of the data is showing in the grid, however what actually happening is that I can still see all of the rows.

Screenshot: enter image description here

Any idea on how to fix this?

Did you actually try expanding the rows?David L
I tried to expand the rows after enter filter text, but nothing changes.Tony

1 Answers


I think I fixed this today. The filtering was actually working - the detail rows were filtered out. But the header rows were still being inserted, and the data being aggregated, even though the rows weren't visible.