
Part of my schema is a pictured:enter image description here

The junction table maps which items are in which category, with the "featured" column marking the item as featured in that category.

What I need to do is get a list of all items in a specific category, including the "featured" attribute from the junction table and pass that data for display into a gridview.

I have created a model for the category_item table and tried to implement the solution proposed here but how do I access and pass the data into the gridview?

Category Model

public function getCategoryItems()
    return $this->hasMany(CategoryItem::className(), ['category_id' => 'id']);

public function getItems()
    return $this->hasMany(Item::className(), ['id' => 'item_id'])->viaTable('{{%category_item}}', ['category_id' => 'id']);

CategorySearch Model

public function search($params)
    $query = Category::find()->with('items')->with('categoryItems');

    $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([
        'query' => $query,


    if (!$this->validate()) {
        return $dataProvider;

        'id' => $this->id,
        'type' => $this->type,

    $query->andFilterWhere(['like', 'title', $this->title])
        ->andFilterWhere(['like', 'description', $this->description]);

    return $dataProvider;

Item Model

public function getItemCategories()
    return $this->hasMany(CategoryItem::className(), ['item_id' => 'id']);

public function getCategories()
    return $this->hasMany(Category::className(), ['id' => 'category_id'])->viaTable('{{%category_item}}', ['item_id' => 'id']);


public function actionCategory($id = null)
    if($id == null) {
        $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([
            'query' => Category::find()->all(),

        return $this->render('category', [
                'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
    } else {

        $category = Category::findOne($id);

        if($category) {
            $searchModel = new CategorySearch();

            $itemsDataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([
                'query' =>  $searchModel->search(['CategorySearch'=>['id'=>$id]]),

            return $this->render('editCategory', [
                'itemsDataProvider' => $itemsDataProvider
                'model' => $category,
        } else {
            throw new NotFoundHttpException('The requested page does not exist.');


<div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-12">
        <?= GridView::widget([
            'dataProvider' => $itemsDataProvider,
            'columns' => [

                    'attribute' => 'items.description',
                    'format' => 'html',
                    'value' => 'description',
                    'value'=>function($data) use ($model) {
                        if(TagFeaturedItem::find()->where(['item_id'=>$data->id, 'tag_id'=>$model->id])->all()) {
                            return Html::a('Remove as Highlighted', ['/highlights/category/'.$model->id.'/remove/'.$data->id], ['class'=>'btn btn-xs btn-danger']);
                        } else {
                            return Html::a('Add as Highlighted',['/highlights/category/'.$model->id.'/add/'.$data->id], ['class'=>'btn btn-xs btn-primary']);
        ]); ?>

In general the view file is a mix and match from trying to find a solution. The TagFeaturedItem model is from a previous version of the view, see here

Could you also show us the view file?robsch
Thanks. And the whole thing doesn't causes error? You just want to access the feature flag? I see another class TagFeaturedItem...robsch
Yes, I can get the category items via the $category->items relation but the featured column is of course missing.jimmy
Ah, sorry, to hard for me... Wondering why 'categoryItems.id' and 'items.description' works. And why does new ActiveDataProvider(['query' => $searchModel->search(['CategorySearch'=>['id'=>$id]]),]); work. Shoudn't query be a QueryInterface implementation?robsch
I'd like to start from a clean slate on this one because I myself have been mixed up trying to following all the articles and advice doing the rounds on the internet. Documentation is sparse/non-existent for this type of problem, so right now I'm looking for just a solution, I can throw away any code written up till now and implement something that works.jimmy

1 Answers


In my opinion there may be some design flaws in your project that I will not explore; I will zero in on the question of how to get the related data into the gridview.

You can create a custom column in the gridview and then get the related data, you would add something like this to your gridview column array:

                $categories = $data->categories; 

                $content = "";
                foreach($categories as $category)
                    $content .= $category->title."<br/>";

                return $content;

Note that $data represents the model returned by the data provider, in the above example from your Item Model.