
I have a table structure as below:

  id: Int
  name: String
  version: Int

The corresponding Slick representation of the table would be:

  class Table1(tag: Tag) extends Table[(Int, String, Int)](tag, "TABLE1") {
    def id = column[Int]("ID")
    def name = column[String]("NAME")
    def version = column[Int]("VERSION")

    def pk = primaryKey("pk_a", (id, version))

How can I make the version to auto increment for that corresponding id?

I can have elements like:

id name version
1  n1   1
1  n2   2
2  xyz  1
3  bmp  1
3  abc  2 

So the above structure has id's 1 and 3 in versions 1 and 2, I want to have the version auto increment. If there is a feature in-built, I would like to use it. If not, I have to first issue a select, add 1 t the version and create a new record. Any suggestions?

If you use the select first version, at some point, you will have duplicate key problems. If two queries run at the same time.i.am.michiel
So what could be the best way to do it? I want to refrain from using triggers!joesan
You can't. You will have to use triggers if you want to garantuee there will be no duplicate keys.i.am.michiel

1 Answers


You will have to use triggers. That way on insert, you can ask MySQL or Postgresql to set the value of version to the result of a SQL query :

select max(version) from Table1 where id = x