
I've put together a document using knitr and while most of the document looks fine, there's one regression table that's too wide to fit on a page without some alteration.

The regression table is generated using stargazer, and is quite wide.

I've attempted to resize the entire chunk as follows:

{r, echo=FALSE, resize.width=10, results='asis'}

stargazer( table...)

but have had no luck in generating resized output. Is there something that I'm doing wrong, is it not possible to resize these stargazer tables via chunk options?



2 Answers


You can use a .css file to resize the output.

in the YAML add :

    css: custom.css

and in a custom.css file you can put :

table {
  width: 100%;  

it's often easier to place the custom.css in the same folder, and note that your final output will still be self-contained.


You can manipulate the options of stargazer to resize your stargazer table. Try the following for PDF output of R markdown:

stargazer(model_1, model_2, model_3, model_4, model_5,
          type = 'latex',
          header=FALSE, # to get rid of r package output text

          single.row = TRUE, # to put coefficients and standard errors on same line

          no.space = TRUE, # to remove the spaces after each line of coefficients

          column.sep.width = "3pt", # to reduce column width

          font.size = "small" # to make font size smaller
