
I have a solution in VS 2013. I've set GIT as the source control and have a local repository. I would also like to have one that I can commit changes to that resides at my visual studio on-line account. Sounds fairly straight forward, but in 4 hours I've learned how to create a NEW team project, but I am unable to MOVE/COPY/PUSH or otherwise make a duplicate of the local repo to the on-line version.

If I create a new project on-line and then select it, it opens an empty solution in Visual Studio.

You would think that there are numerous people who have this same problem, yet I am unable to find anything that explains how to do this. Yes, I am new to GIT and VS on-line.

Any help would be appreciated.


2 Answers


Check that the VSO project has Git support. If you opted for TFVC, you must re-create it.

In Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 (not sure for previous versions), in Team Explorer, select the Unsynched Commits button and fill-in the Publish to Remote Repository with the Git repository in VSO. You can find this URL in the Code tab below the message «To clone this repository in Git, use the following URL:».


You have to create the project in Visual Studio on-line in order to push your code there. Do that first. IT NEEDS TO HAVE THE SAME NAME

After the project is created you will have this screen. The important parts are in red. Note from VS local you can open a command prompt window. It needs to be in the same directory as the repository locally so if you do it directly be sure to change the directory to the root of your local repository. enter image description here