I am creating a Data Comparison/Verification script using SQL and Spoon PDI. We're moving data between two servers, and to make sure we've got all the data we have SQL queries showing a date then the quantity of rows transferred.
Serv1: 20150522 | 100
Serv2: 20150522 | 100
The script will then try to union these values, and if it fails we'll get a fail email. However, we wish to change this setup to write the outcome to a text file, and based on that text file send either a pass or fail email.
The idea behind this is we have multiple tables we're comparing, so we wish to write all the outcomes of each comparison (eight) to a text file and based off the final text file, send the outcome - rather than spamming our email inbox if multiple steps fail.
The format of the text file we wish to have is either match -> send email or mismatch [step-name] [date] -> send email.
Usually I wouldn't ask a question if I haven't tried anything first, but I've searched everywhere on Google, tried the knowledge I currently have and nothing is going the way I wish it to. I believe this is due to the logic I am using.
I am not asking for a solution to this, or for someone to do it for me. I am simply asking for guidance along the correct path.