So I have two tables: JOBS and TASKS.
The TASKS Table has a TAKS_STATUS Column that stores a progression of states (e.g. 'Submitting', 'Submitted', 'Authored', 'Completed').
The JOBS Table has a JOB_STATUS Column which is a roll-up (i.e. minimum state) of the TASK_STATUS Columns in the TASKS Table. The JOBS Table also has a TASK_COUNT value that contains the number of TASKS associated with a Job.
Jobs can have one or more tasks: JOB_ID in each table links them.
In DB2, I have a series of simple triggers to roll-up this state; here's one in the middle:
create or replace trigger JOB_AUTHORED
after update of TASK_STATUS on TASKS
referencing NEW as N
for each row
when (TASK_STATUS = 'Authored')
update JOBS
set JOB_STATUS = 'Authored'
select count(0) from TASKS
and TASKS.TASK_STATUS in ('Authored','Completed'))
This works fine in DB2 because the trigger runs in the same work unit as the triggering event and thus it can see the work unit's uncommitted changes and can count the TASK_STATUS change that just occurred without hitting a row-lock.
Here's the translated trigger in Oracle:
create or replace trigger JOB_AUTHORED
after update of TASK_STATUS on TASKS
for each row
when (NEW.TASK_STATUS = 'Authored')
update JOBS
set JOB_STATUS='Authored'
select count(0) from TASKS
and TASKS.TASK_STATUS in ('Authored','Completed'));
In Oracle this fails with:
ORA-04091: table MYSCHEMA.TASKS is mutating, trigger/function may not see it#012ORA-06512: at "MYSCHEMA.JOB_AUTHORED", line 1#012ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'MYSCHEMA.JOB_AUTHORED'#012] [query: UPDATE TASKS SET TASK_STATUS=:1 where TASK_ID=:2
Apparently Oracle's Triggers do not run in the same context, can not see the uncommitted triggering updates and thus will never be able to count the number of tasks in specific states which include the triggering row.
I guess I could change the AFTER Trigger to an INSTEAD OF Trigger and update the TASK_STATUS (as well as the JOB_STATUS) within the Trigger (so the Job Update can see the Task Update), but would I run into the same error? Maybe not the first Task Update, but what if the triggering program is updating a bunch of TASKS before committing: what happens when the second Task is updated?
I've also considered removing the Trigger and have a program scan active Jobs for the status of its Tasks, but that seems inelegant.
What is the Best Practice with something like this in Oracle?
JOBS.TASK_COUNT must always match the number of rows in TASKS table
? – krokodilko