I want to Override magento core controller class which is present under 'Oauth' module. Mage/Oauth/controllers/Adminhtml/Oauth/AuthorizeController.php
Module declaration xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
My config.xml is :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DS_Adminextended before="Mage_Adminhtml">DS_Adminextended</DS_Adminextended>
i had also use this one but invain:
<DS_Adminextended before="Mage_Adminhtml">DS_Adminextended_Adminhtml_Oauth</DS_Adminextended>
and extended AuthorizeController.php :
die('bla bla bla');
class DS_Adminextended_Adminhtml_Oauth_AuthorizeController extends Mage_Oauth_Adminhtml_Oauth_AuthorizeController {
public function indexAction()
echo 'extendedController';exit;
But it did not include the extended file. This 'Adminhtml' present inside the Mage/Oauth Folder not in Mage:Adminhtml So Question is how we can extend admin controller class present under non admin module like: 1) Mage/Oauth/controllers/Adminhtml/Oauth/AuthorizeController.php OR 2) Mage/Widget/controllers/Adminhtml/Widget/InstanceController.php
what i am missing in above code ?