I have created an application in my Azure AD. I switch into the Mobile Service and go to the identity tab. For MS identity is asks for a client ID. I found the Client ID in the Azure AD configure tab.
However, I had no idea what to use for Client Secret and Package SID. It seems like it is expecting you are using a Windows Store app to access the service rather than a Javascript app which is what I am working with.
So, my question is, how do you secure an Azure Mobile Service with Azure AD when an AngularJS web application is accessing the service?
(I don't want to use google, because I want to control the users that can access this, so I will manually add the users to the Azure AD that I want to grant access to the service.)
Per the answer below I have attempted to use ADAL.JS. It is "mostly working" with the following issues.
Chrome locks up tight - it doesn't work.
When using a Microsoft Account added to my Azure AD domain, it just goes into a loop and keeps redirecting me.