
I am trying to insert a new row into a named range. The user selects a "category" from a combo box e.g., Cool Drinks, Beer and Cider, Bitters etc... and then the contents of that category populate another combo box.

I have named the ranges of all of the Categories and would like them to populate the second combo box. I have a code which works by itself:

Dim rng As Range
Dim DailySales As Worksheet
Set DailySales = Worksheets("Daily Sales")

Set rng = DailySales.Range("CoolDrinksDailySales")
For Each rng In DailySales.Range("CoolDrinksDailySales")
Me.CmboName.AddItem rng.Value
Next rng

However, whenever I try to use that in a Select Case, it doesn't work.

Dim rng As Range
Dim DailySales As Worksheet
Set DailySales = Worksheets("Daily Sales")
Select Case Me.CmboType.Value
Case "Cool Drinks"
    Set rng = DailySales.Range("CoolDrinksDailySales")
    For Each rng In DailySales.Range("CoolDrinksDailySales")
    Me.CmboName.AddItem rng.Value
    Next rng
Case "Beer and Cider"
    Set rng = DailySales.Range("BeerCiderDailySales")
    For Each rng In DailySales.Range("BeerCiderDailySales")
    Me.CmboName.AddItem rng.Value
    Next rng
End Select

Does anybody have any ideas?

Here is the complete code:

Option Explicit
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim Types() As String
Types = Split("Cool Drinks,Beer and    
Cider,Bitters,Brandy,Whiskey,Rum,Spirits,Sherry,White Wine,Red Wine", 

Dim i As Integer
For i = LBound(Types) To UBound(Types)
Me.CmboType.AddItem Types(i)


Dim rng As Range
Dim DailySales As Worksheet
Set DailySales = Worksheets("Daily Sales")
 Select Case Me.CmboType.Value
Case "Cool Drinks"
    Set rng = DailySales.Range("CoolDrinksDailySales")
    For Each rng In DailySales.Range("CoolDrinksDailySales")
    Me.CmboName.AddItem rng.Value
    Next rng
Case "Beer and Cider"
    Set rng = DailySales.Range("BeerCiderDailySales")
    For Each rng In DailySales.Range("BeerCiderDailySales")
    Me.CmboName.AddItem rng.Value
    Next rng
End Select
End Sub

 Private Sub CmdExit_Click()
 Unload Me
 End Sub
Private Sub CmdEnter_Click()
Dim rng As Range

'Store Date Index
Dim colArray(32) As Integer

'Store Item Index
Dim rowArray(150) As Integer

'Store first value for Find and FindNext
Dim FirstAddress As String

Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
i = 0
j = 0

With Range("B6:AD6")
Set rng = .Find(TxtDate.Value, LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not rng Is Nothing Then
    FirstAddress = rng.Address       
        Set rng = .FindNext(rng)
        colArray(i) = rng.Column
        i = i + 1            
        Loop While Not rng Is Nothing And rng.Address <> FirstAddress
End If
End With

With Range("A7:A150")
Set rng = .Find(CmboName.Value, LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not rng Is Nothing Then
    FirstAddress = rng.Address        
        Set rng = .FindNext(rng)
        rowArray(j) = rng.Row
        j = j + 1            
        Loop While Not rng Is Nothing And rng.Address <> FirstAddress
End If
End With

Dim c As Integer
Dim r As Integer

For c = 0 To i - 1
For r = 0 To j - 1
    Cells(rowArray(r), colArray(c)).Value = TxtNoSold.Value
Next r
Next c
Unload Me
End Sub
Hello, delete this line Set rng = DailySales.Range("CoolDrinksDailySales") and see what happensDavesexcel
Nothing. The second combo box still comes up blank.Meringue90
Yes, if it worked for the 1st one, would you not do the same for the second one?Davesexcel
Is the code even running? How are you calling it? Put a break point (F9) on the Select Case line and step (F8) through it to see what's happening.Dick Kusleika
It appears your Select Case is in the Initialize event. At the time it runs, the value of the combobox is nothing - no Case statement will execute. I would think you want that code in the combobox_Change event so that every time the combobox changes, the code executes.Dick Kusleika

1 Answers


The solution was simply moving the Select Case into the Combobox_Change event. As Dick Kusleika said, the value of the combobox was nothing at runtime. Here is the correct code to accomplish what I was trying to do.

Option Explicit
Private Sub Userform_Initialize()
'Populate cmboTypes
Dim Types() As String
Types = Split("Cool Drinks,Beer and _
    Cider,Bitters,Brandy,Whiskey,Rum,Spirits,Sherry,White Wine,_
    Red Wine", ",")

 'Loop through the values populated in the split function above, and add 
 'each item to the combobox
Dim i As Integer
For i = LBound(Types) To UBound(Types)
Me.CmboType.AddItem Types(i)
End Sub

Sub CmboType_Change()

Dim rng As Range
Dim DailySales As Worksheet

'Populate CmboName with named dynamic ranges of "Types"

Set DailySales = Worksheets("Daily Sales")
 Select Case Me.CmboType.Value
   Case "Cool Drinks"
    Set rng = DailySales.Range("CoolDrinksDailySales")
    For Each rng In DailySales.Range("CoolDrinksDailySales")
    Me.CmboName.AddItem rng.Value
    Next rng
   Case "Beer and Cider"
    Set rng = DailySales.Range("BeerCiderDailySales")
    For Each rng In DailySales.Range("BeerCiderDailySales")
    Me.CmboName.AddItem rng.Value
    Next rng
   Case "Bitters"
    Set rng = DailySales.Range("BittersDailySales")
    For Each rng In DailySales.Range("BittersDailySales")
    Me.CmboName.AddItem rng.Value
    Next rng
  Case "Brandy"
    Set rng = DailySales.Range("BrandyDailySales")
    For Each rng In DailySales.Range("BrandyDailySales")
    Me.CmboName.AddItem rng.Value
    Next rng
  Case "Whiskey"
    Set rng = DailySales.Range("WhiskeyDailySales")
    For Each rng In DailySales.Range("WhiskeyDailySales")
    Me.CmboName.AddItem rng.Value
    Next rng
End Select
End Sub