I have the following XML
`<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<EFFCTV_DATE>2009-11-24 01:58:06.000001</EFFCTV_DATE>
<REP_ID />
<EFFCTV_DATE>2013-11-24 01:58:06.000001</EFFCTV_DATE>
<REP_ID />
<EFFCTV_DATE>2012-12-23 00:12:23.000001</EFFCTV_DATE>
<REP_ID />
This resultSet is coming from a database call and it represents many to many relationship between a card account and its preference codes. A card might be associated with an email - (DEST_EML_ADDR) and an email choice (EML_PVT_TYPE_CD)and these 2 tags will also have same values for the same card number in multiple rows. The card will also have a unique preference code and a bunch of preference related information which is unique for each row.
My goal is to pull each unique card no, dest_email_addr and eml_pvt_type_cd and associate all preference related information to that in one block per account.
In sum the desired output for the above input is :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ACCT_NO>79501 </ACCT_NO>
<REP_ID />
<EFFCTV_DATE>2013-11-24 01:58:06.000001</EFFCTV_DATE>
<REP_ID />
<EFFCTV_DATE>2012-12-23 00:12:23.000001</EFFCTV_DATE>
<REP_ID />
I am restricted to use XSLT 1.0 and after reading this Muenchian method grouping based on multiple keys thread I realize this is the solution I need as well. Based on this information I created the following XSL in which I create a key utilizing ACCT_NO, DEST_EML_ADDR and EML_PVT_TYPE_CD to filter out the unique elements and apply a second template based on a second key to further group the one to many preference code relationship:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
<xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes"/>
<xsl:key name="entity-email-key" match="row" use="concat(ACCT_NO,'~#~',DEST_EML_ADDR, '~#~',EML_PVT_TYPE_CD)"/>
<xsl:key name="prefcd-key" match="row" use="concat(ACCT_NO,'~#~',DEST_EML_ADDR, '~#~',EML_PVT_TYPE_CD, '~#~',PVT_CHOICE_CD)"/>
<xsl:template match="/resultSet">
<xsl:apply-templates select="row[generate-id() = generate-id(key('entity-email-key', concat(ACCT_NO,'~#~',DEST_EML_ADDR, '~#~',EML_PVT_TYPE_CD))[1])]" mode="entity-email-key"/>
<xsl:template match="row" mode="entity-email-key">
<xsl:apply-templates select="key('entity-email-key', concat(ACCT_NO,'~#~',DEST_EML_ADDR, '~#~',EML_PVT_TYPE_CD))[generate-id() = generate-id(key('prefcd-key', concat(ACCT_NO,'~#~',DEST_EML_ADDR, '~#~',EML_PVT_TYPE_CD,PVT_CHOICE_CD))[1])]" mode="prefcd-key"/>
<xsl:template match="row" mode="prefcd-key">
But when I ran the code I realized it only groups by the ACCT_NO, EMAIL and EML_PVT_TYPE_CD yet failing to group by the preference codes related tags. I tried different combinations of selecting the preference code data, the closest that I could get is to have one preference code for each card, but the preference code could be more than one as it is the case for the first card- which has two unique preference code related data.
So I do not think I do have a great understanding of this method yet, perhaps I do not even need to define the second key but after several days of wrestling with this problem, it is time to turn to the community to see what I am missing.
Thank you!