
I have this:

<ng-include src="'app/components/widgets/buttonbar.html'"></ng-include>

That includes buttons from both the /customers route and the /customers/:id routes. I can dynamically add buttons with actions. When I'm going to customers I add buttons using this service interface:

  this.buttons = []
  this.addButton = function(id, title, classes, href, action, sortOrder){
    var button = {};
    var pushViable = true;
    button.id = id
    button.title = title
    button.classes = classes
    button.href = href
    button.action = action
    button.sortOrder = sortOrder
    angular.forEach(this.buttons, function(index, sort){
      if(button.sortOrder === sort){
        toastr.error('Button Sort Order Exists')
        pushViable = false;
    if(pushViable === true){
      this.buttons = sortButtons(this.buttons)

like so from my customerlist:

buttonSvc.addButton('newCustomer','New Customer', 'button small', '#','newCustomer()',0)

$scope.newCustomer = function(){
  var customerModal = $modal.open({
    templateUrl: 'app/customers/newCustomer.html',
    controller: 'customerModalCtrl',
    windowClass: 'small'


(doing so from a modal works with ui-foundation from pineconellc on github)

  buttonSvc.addButton('goBack','Go Back', 'button small', '#','toTheGrid()',2)

This button, however doesn't work, with this code in effect:

  $scope.toTheGrid = function(){

If I just make a regular button and use the function it works fine. So I've got an issue.

As I have now placed a bounty, if you would like to see more code, please ask and I will post relevant sources.

Can't see the picture, can you provide also the other source code involved in this matter? ThanksRene Padillo
Here is a link to a gist containing my buttonbar service controller and template that I'm interacting with. I may add some other stuff in a sec. Thanks.dkran
It seems you're passing the function here as a string buttonSvc.addButton('goBack','Go Back', 'button small', '#','toTheGrid()',2) can you remove the single-quote surrounding the toTheGrid() function and try it again? If still doesn't work try removing also the parenthesis (). Then let me know what happened. ThanksRene Padillo
I've given you much more code to look at including routes. Please note: The call from customerList.js works perfect, with parens inside a string. the call from customerDetail.js fails. I've included my route definition file and both of those files in completion.dkran
But that solution didn't work. the implementation expects a function with parens inside a string.dkran

3 Answers


Look at two buttons:

<button ng-click="foo()">click</button>
<button ng-click="{{'foo()'}}">click</button>

first work, second not. (Generated html is the same) See plunk: http://plnkr.co/edit/znFa6lGUGmQ0bYw097zH?p=preview And reason is simple - in 2nd case, 'foo()' is considered just as basic string.

So just modify your code to pass function to addButton.


I think the problem is that you are passing 'toTheGrid()' as a string instead of a function.
I would try something different like this:


<div class="container">
  <ul class="button-group" ng-controller="buttonBar">
    <li ng-repeat="button in buttons track by button.sortOrder">
      <a href="{{button.href}}" class="{{button.classes}}" ng-click="button.action()">{{button.title}}</a>


buttonSvc.addButton('goBack','Go Back', 'button small', '#', $scope.toTheGrid, 2);

I notice from the comment, you said you had a dynamic html tag as follow:

<a href="#" class="button small ng-click-active" ng-click="toTheGrid()">Go Back</a>

I think the href may prevent the ng-click from firing up. You can try dropping the href="#" out of the anchor tag (by default, it will call preventDefault). Or you can write a custom directive for attribute on anchor tag, and in the custom directive, call preventDefault() on the click event