I have this:
<ng-include src="'app/components/widgets/buttonbar.html'"></ng-include>
That includes buttons from both the /customers route and the /customers/:id routes. I can dynamically add buttons with actions. When I'm going to customers I add buttons using this service interface:
this.buttons = []
this.addButton = function(id, title, classes, href, action, sortOrder){
var button = {};
var pushViable = true;
button.id = id
button.title = title
button.classes = classes
button.href = href
button.action = action
button.sortOrder = sortOrder
angular.forEach(this.buttons, function(index, sort){
if(button.sortOrder === sort){
toastr.error('Button Sort Order Exists')
pushViable = false;
if(pushViable === true){
this.buttons = sortButtons(this.buttons)
like so from my customerlist:
buttonSvc.addButton('newCustomer','New Customer', 'button small', '#','newCustomer()',0)
$scope.newCustomer = function(){
var customerModal = $modal.open({
templateUrl: 'app/customers/newCustomer.html',
controller: 'customerModalCtrl',
windowClass: 'small'
(doing so from a modal works with ui-foundation from pineconellc on github)
buttonSvc.addButton('goBack','Go Back', 'button small', '#','toTheGrid()',2)
This button, however doesn't work, with this code in effect:
$scope.toTheGrid = function(){
If I just make a regular button and use the function it works fine. So I've got an issue.
As I have now placed a bounty, if you would like to see more code, please ask and I will post relevant sources.
buttonSvc.addButton('goBack','Go Back', 'button small', '#','toTheGrid()',2)
can you remove the single-quote surrounding thetoTheGrid()
function and try it again? If still doesn't work try removing also the parenthesis()
. Then let me know what happened. Thanks – Rene Padillo