
I want to run PHPUnit on prod server every hour and write result to file. Here's the crontab line:

0 * * * * cd /path/to/project && /usr/local/bin/phpunit --exclude-group acceptance > phpunit.result

When I run that command manually phpunit.result contains expected result, but when using crontab there's only the PHPUnit header in phpunit.result:

PHPUnit 4.6.4 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Configuration read from /path/to/project/phpunit.xml

How can I achieve correct output PHPUnit result to file using crontab?

Looks like the process hangs. Can you verify this using ps ax | grep php ?hek2mgl
I think it stops right after start. When I run phpunit manually it take 3-4 minutes to complete all tests and I can see phpunit process. In case of crontab job I can't see that process at the right time.Limon Monte
What do you have in the cron log? If it is empty, you can try strace -f the cron process to see what happens when phpunit is started.VolenD
@user3584460 in cron log (grep CRON /var/log/syslog) there's expected output. strace -f cron isn't very helpful, here's the outputLimon Monte
You are trying to start a new cron process and that would not work, as cron is already running. Try to attach to the existing process - strace -fp cron_process_id (I think I did not explain well in my previous comment and thought that -p option is implied).VolenD

2 Answers


You can just use in with one command using full paths. Something like:

php /usr/local/bin/phpunit -c /path/to/project/phpunit.xml > /tmp/phpunit.log 2>&1

It will redirect the std error to the file, too. Then you will see what is actually happening when you run those tests.


Use like this commends in Linux system...

  1. sudo crontab -e =>(create cron tab)

    -> learn command = */2 * * * * wget (i am created crontab for every 2 mins..)

    -> create command for crontab = */2 * * * * wget -q http://localhost/trigger_yoururl

    -> ^o run that..

    -> ^x exit that..

  2. sudo crontab -l =>(list view for cron tab)

  3. sudo crontab -r =>(remove cron tab)