
I would like to enable CORS (Cross-Origin Request) in Orchard 1.8.1. I followed this article for the purpose. However, I don't know how to access HttpConfiguration for my WebAPI Controller. I tried to use ControllerContext.Configuration, but it seems to be always NULL.

What is the proper method to access HttpConfiguration in Orchard and to call EnableCors()?

Thank you in advance.

As I figured Orchard uses GlobalConfiguration, I created a shell hook impelmenting the IOrchardShellEvents in my module, and inside the Activated method implementation I called System.Web.Http.GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.EnableCors();Daniel Leiszen
That's exactly it. You should post this as the answerXceno

1 Answers


As I figured Orchard uses GlobalConfiguration, I created a shell hook impelmenting the IOrchardShellEvents in my module, and inside the Activated method implementation I called System.Web.Http.GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.EnableCors();