
I have the following set up:

In routes I have:

Route::get('articles', 'ArticlesController@index');

The index method in the controller is simply:

public function index()
   $articles = Article::all();
   return View('articles.index', compact('articles'));

and in the view:

    @foreach($articles as $article)
        <h2><a href="{{action('ArticlesController@show', [$article->id])}}">{{$article->title}}</a></h2>
        <p>{{ $article->body }}</p>

I attempted to replace the:

$articles = Article::all();


$article = Article::latest()->get();

such that I can actually show the articles latest first. I got the error:

FatalErrorException in Str.php line 322:
Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded

and the call stack is:

in Str.php line 322
at FatalErrorException->__construct() in HandleExceptions.php line 131
at HandleExceptions->fatalExceptionFromError() in HandleExceptions.php line 116
at HandleExceptions->handleShutdown() in HandleExceptions.php line 0
at Str::snake() in helpers.php line 561
at snake_case() in ControllerInspector.php line 105
at ControllerInspector->getVerb() in ControllerInspector.php line 78
at ControllerInspector->getMethodData() in ControllerInspector.php line 39
at ControllerInspector->getRoutable() in Router.php line 251
at Router->controller() in Router.php line 226
at Router->controllers() in Facade.php line 210
at Facade::__callStatic() in routes.php line 21
at Route::controllers() in routes.php line 21
in RouteServiceProvider.php line 40

... etc

I have restored the controller method to what it was, but the error persists.

Can you please tell me how I can solve this problem?

what is id here? An index of the article array?Kishor
What happens when you try $article = Article::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get(); instead of $article = Article::latest()->get(); or whatever time stamp field you have?haakym
it turned out that my setup was faulty, xamp with laravel needs to have xdebug disabled for some reasonGeordie Gadgie

13 Answers


The Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded error is not related to Laravel but rather your PHP configuration.

Here is how you can fix it. The setting you will need to change is max_execution_time.

; Resource Limits ;

max_execution_time = 30     ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds
max_input_time = 60 ; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data
memory_limit = 8M      ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (8MB)

You can change the max_execution_time to 300 seconds like max_execution_time = 300

You can find the path of your PHP configuration file in the output of the phpinfo function in the Loaded Configuration File section.


it's a pure PHP setting. The alternative is to increase the execution time limit only for specific php scripts, by inserting on top of that php file, the following:

ini_set('max_execution_time', 180); //3 minutes

In Laravel:

Add set_time_limit(0) line on top of query.


$users = App\User::all();

It helps you in different large queries but you should need to improve query optimise.


Sometimes you just need to optimize your code or query, Setting more max_execution_time is not a solution.

It is not suggested to take more than 30 for loading a webpage if a task takes more time need to be a queue.


set time limit in __construct method or you can set in your index controller also where you want to have large time limit.

public function __construct()


ini_set('max_execution_time', $time);
$articles = Article::all();

where $time is in seconds, set it to 0 for no time. make sure to make it 60 back after your function finish


Add above query

ini_set("memory_limit", "10056M");


If using PHP7, I would suggest you changing the default value in the public/.htaccess

<IfModule php7_module>
   php_value max_execution_time 300

Execution is not related to laravel go to the php.ini file In php.ini file set max_execution_time=360 (time may be variable depends on need) if you want to increase execution of a specific page then write ini_set('max_execution_time',360) at top of page

otherwise in htaccess php_value max_execution_time 360


If you are hosting your Laravel app on Heroku, you can create custom_php.ini in the root of your project and simply add max_execution_time = 60


I had a similar problem just now. However, this had nothing to do with modifying the php.ini file. It was from a for loop. If you are having nested for loops, make sure you are using the iterator properly. In my case, I was iterating the outer iterator from my inner iterator.


Options -MultiViews -Indexes

RewriteEngine On

# Handle Authorization Header
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} .
RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]

# Redirect Trailing Slashes If Not A Folder...
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (.+)/$
RewriteRule ^ %1 [L,R=301]

# Handle Front Controller...
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^ index.php [L]

#cambiamos el valor para subir archivos
php_value memory_limit 400M
php_value post_max_size 400M
php_value upload_max_filesize 400M
php_value max_execution_time 300 #esta es la linea que necesitas agregar.


You need to just press CTRL + F5. It will work after that.