
Hello I am relatively new to QA automated web testing and I try to use SO as a last resort.

That being said I am having issues selecting a choice from a drop down menu in our web app.

Here is the following code:

<div id="edit-main-user-role-wrapper" class="form-item">
    <select id="edit-main-user-role" class="form-select my-dropdown ahah-processed" name="main[user_role]" style="display: none;"></select>
    <div class="newListSelected" style="position: static;">
        <span class="selectedTxt">


        <ul class="newList" style="top: -136px; height: 136px; left: 0px; display: none;">
                <a class="" href="JavaScript:void(0);"></a>

When I inspect the drop down icon with Firefox inspect element it directs me to this line in the code: span class="selectedTxt"

I have tried accessing the list by id, class, xpath, and css all to no avail.

Here are some of my past attempts:

@browser.div(:class => 'form-item').select_list(:text => 'Student').fire_event ("on click")

@browser.select_list(:xpath, menu).option(:text, option).click
I have looked at the various other dropdown related questions on SO, but none of those were able to help me address my issue.Frank
Still working on it, but I've made progress. This will at least "drop" the drop down menu. @browser.span(:class, "selectedTxt").clickFrank

3 Answers


An element with a select tag should only be meaningful if there are elements with option tags nested inside it. Often these pages have a lot of extra javascript in them to give context.

For dropdowns that don't follow the select/option pattern, you want to click on the element that drops down the list, and then click on the element you want that becomes visible as a result.


This is what eventually worked for me:

@browser.span(:class, "selectedTxt").click   # to make the list visible
@browser.element(:xpath, "#{xpath}").click   # click on the specified xpath

I know this may not be the most elegant answer, but it works!


not sure if you're still looking for answers, but either of these worked for me:

  @browser.select_list(:id => "you_leaving_us").option(:text => "Other").select
@browser.select_list(:id => "you_leaving_us").option(:value => "8").select

Instead of li's, I had options. Hope it works