
I am running a TestNG suite with 3 tests inside the same class. The problem is that when I open the Allure report (using jetty server), I can see 2 suites with the same name and same content inside. There are only 2 difference between each suite.

  1. Suite 2 always finish 1 sec after Suite 1.
  2. I am doing parallel execution on 3 devices using 3 different threads. if suite has thread order 1,2,3 then Suite 2 will have order 1,3,2 (compared to Suite 1)

The TestNG report looks fine. Can't find any suite duplication there.

Surefire config is given below.

Please find my surefire config below. Executor.xml is my testng xml. org.apache.maven.plugins maven-surefire-plugin 2.12.2

            <!--only for 1.3.* TestNG adapters. Since 1.4.0.RC4, the listener adds via ServiceLoader-->

Could you please specify your maven-surefire-plugin configuration?Dmitry Baev
Added the surefire config to question.Amith

1 Answers


Since Allure 1.4.0.RC4, the listener adds via ServiceLoader. To avoid result duplication please remove this part of your config.
