Leiningen downloaded nearly 1GB of jar index information from repo1.maven.org and clojars.org. Why does it need to download that huge amount of information? And is there any way to prevent that?
The directory in question is: ~/.lein/indeces
It contains the following folders:
The maven.org folder contains 849MB!
Here is my project definition:
(defproject test-project "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "FIXME: write description"
:url "http://example.com/FIXME"
:license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
:url "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html"}
:main test-project.core
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0"]
[camel-snake-kebab "0.3.1" :exclusions [org.clojure/clojure]]])
lein search
-- a plugin not installed by default. I'd suggest perhaps uninstalling it? :) – Charles Duffy