
Trying to write a composed function in clojure that exits at the first nil value, (e.g something you'd do by chaining Maybes together in haskell) with the following:

(defn wrap [f] (fn [x] (if (nil? x) nil (f x))))

(defn maybe [arg & functs] ( (comp (reverse (map wrap functs))) arg))

So that I'd get, e.g.

(defn f1 [x] (+ x 1))

(maybe 1 f1 f1 ) => 3

(maybe nil f1 f1) => nil

Which is unfortunately giving me this: ClassCastException clojure.lang.PersistentList cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn user/maybe (NO_SOURCE_FILE:1)

Can someone provide some help on what I'm doing wrong here? What's the idiomatic way to do this?

what does wrap do that (and x (f x )) not do?RedDeckWins

4 Answers


The idiomatic way to do this is to use some->. See the documentation of this macro for more details.

Don't let that stop you from making your own, of course!


comp expects each function as an individual argument, but you're passing it a list of functions as a single argument. To get around this, use apply.

(defn maybe [arg & functs] ( (apply comp (reverse (map wrap functs))) arg))

There's always the clojure.algo.monads namespace with the maybe-m monad:

(with-monad maybe-m
  (defn adder [x]
    (let [f (fn [x] (+ x 1))]
        [a x
         b (f a)
         c (f b)]

(adder 1)
=> 3 

(adder nil)
=> nil

Admittedly it might be a bit overkill for your requirements


I know this has been answered, and I already put one up myself, but thought I'd add the following as I had a play with it using monads again, and this seemed a good question to post against.

Reading this article on threading monads, I was able to come up with the following by extending the m-> macro defined in the article to create a threaded maybe monad for simpler usage. TBH it doesn't come any simpler than just using some-> but this was for personal curiosity.

OK, to start there's some one off boiler plate code to define, here (in case the article ever vanishes) is Giles' threaded monad definition:

(defn bind-monadic-expr-into-form [insert form]
  (list 'm-bind insert
        (if (seq? form)
          `(fn [bound#] (~(first form) bound# ~@(rest form)))
          `(fn [bound#] (~form bound#)))))

(defmacro m->
  ([m x]
   `(with-monad ~m ~x))
  ([m x form]
   `(with-monad ~m
                ~(bind-monadic-expr-into-form x form)))
  ([m x form & more]
   `(m-> ~m (m-> ~m ~x ~form) ~@more)))

Now with this, you can define a threaded maybe macro as

(defmacro maybe->
  ([x] `(m-> ~maybe-m ~x))
  ([x form] `(m-> ~maybe-m ~x ~form))
  ([x form & more] `(maybe-> (maybe-> ~x ~form) ~@more)))

And use it like:

(maybe-> 1 inc)
=> 2

(maybe-> [1 2] (#(map inc %)))
=> (2 3)

(defn f1 [x] (+ 1 x))
(maybe-> 1 f1 f1)
=> 3

(maybe-> 1 f1 ((constantly nil)) f1)
=> nil

(maybe-> {:a 1 :b 2} :c inc)
=> nil

There's absolutely no advantage in using this over some-> in this context, but the m-> monad does add some interesting abilities in being able to create a fail-> macro as in the article I linked, which offers more than just "nil" as a return, giving you ability to differentiate the failure reason.