I have created development and production pem files. I have followed this steps:
1) developer.apple.com : AppIDs section check Bundle id supports Development SSL Certificate if no then create that certificate (which supports APNS)
2) open key chain
3) right click on our certificate and export certificate.
4) you will get .p12 file from here : like : hope_APNS.p12
5) open console(terminal) and run following command (use created .p12 file here as input) openssl pkcs12 -in apns-dev-cert.p12 -out apns-dev-cert.pem -nodes -clcerts
6) you will get .pem file for the same. (like hope_APNS.pem)
Developement pem file is working fine. But there is some in production pem file. When i set production pem file and send push notification from console. I won't get push on my device.