Do anyone have any idea how can I rewrite eig(A,B)
from Matlab used to calculate generalized eigenvector/eigenvalues? I've been struggling with this problem lately. So far:
Matlab definition of eig
function I need:
[V,D] = eig(A,B) produces a diagonal matrix D of generalized
eigenvalues and a full matrix V whose columns are the corresponding
eigenvectors so that A*V = B*V*D.
- So far I tried the
library (
My implementation looks like this:
std::pair<Matrix4cd, Vector4d> eig(const Matrix4cd& A, const Matrix4cd& B)
Eigen::GeneralizedSelfAdjointEigenSolver<Matrix4cd> solver(A, B);
Matrix4cd V = solver.eigenvectors();
Vector4d D = solver.eigenvalues();
return std::make_pair(V, D);
But first thing that comes to my mind is, that I can't use Vector4cd
as .eigenvalues()
doesn't return complex values where Matlab does. Furthermore results of .eigenvectors()
and .eigenvalues()
for the same matrices are not the same at all:
Matrix4cd x;
Matrix4cd y;
pair<Matrix4cd, Vector4d> result;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
x.real()(i,j) = (double)(i+j+1+i*3);
y.real()(i,j) = (double)(17 - (i+j+1+i*3));
x.imag()(i,j) = (double)(i+j+1+i*3);
y.imag()(i,j) = (double)(17 - (i+j+1+i*3));
result = eig(x,y);
cout << result.first << endl << endl;
cout << result.second << endl << endl;
for i=1:1:4
for j=1:1:4
x(i,j) = complex((i-1)+(j-1)+1+((i-1)*3), (i-1)+(j-1)+1+((i-1)*3));
y(i,j) = complex(17 - ((i-1)+(j-1)+1+((i-1)*3)), 17 - ((i-1)+(j-1)+1+((i-1)*3)));
[A,B] = eig(x,y)
So I give eig
the same 4x4 matrices holding values 1-16 ascending (x) and descending (y). But I receive different results, furthermore Eigen
method returns double from eigenvalues while Matlab returns complex dobule. I also find out that there is other Eigen
solver named GeneralizedEigenSolver
. That one in the documentation ( has written that it solves A*V = B*V*D
but to be honest I tried it and results (matrix sizes) are not the same size as Matlab so I got quite lost how it works (examplary results are on the website I've linked). It also has only .eigenvector method.
C++ results:
(-0.222268,-0.0108754) (0.0803437,-0.0254809) (0.0383264,-0.0233819) (0.0995482,0.00682079)
(-0.009275,-0.0182668) (-0.0395551,-0.0582127) (0.0550395,0.03434) (-0.034419,-0.0287563)
(-0.112716,-0.0621061) (-0.010788,0.10297) (-0.0820552,0.0294896) (-0.114596,-0.146384)
(0.28873,0.257988) (0.0166259,-0.0529934) (0.0351645,-0.0322988) (0.405394,0.424698)
Matlab results:
[A,B] = eig(x,y)
A =
Columns 1 through 3
-0.9100 + 0.0900i -0.5506 + 0.4494i 0.3614 + 0.3531i
0.7123 + 0.0734i 0.4928 - 0.2586i -0.5663 - 0.4337i
0.0899 - 0.4170i -0.1210 - 0.3087i 0.0484 - 0.1918i
0.1077 + 0.2535i 0.1787 + 0.1179i 0.1565 + 0.2724i
Column 4
-0.3237 - 0.3868i
0.2338 + 0.7662i
0.5036 - 0.3720i
-0.4136 - 0.0074i
B =
Columns 1 through 3
-1.0000 + 0.0000i 0.0000 + 0.0000i 0.0000 + 0.0000i
0.0000 + 0.0000i -1.0000 - 0.0000i 0.0000 + 0.0000i
0.0000 + 0.0000i 0.0000 + 0.0000i -4.5745 - 1.8929i
0.0000 + 0.0000i 0.0000 + 0.0000i 0.0000 + 0.0000i
Column 4
0.0000 + 0.0000i
0.0000 + 0.0000i
0.0000 + 0.0000i
-0.3317 + 1.1948i
- Second try was with Intel IPP but it seems that it solves only
A*V = V*D
and support told me that it's not supported anymore. (list of constructors for Intel IPP)
- I got suggestion to move from Intel IPP to MKL. I did it and hit the wall again. I tried to check all algorithms for
but it seems that there are onlyA*V = V*D
problems solved. I was checkinglapack95.lib
. The list of algorithms used by this library is available there:
Somewhere on the web I could find topic on Mathworks when someone said that managed to solve my problem partially with usage of MKL:
Person said that he/she used dsygv
algorithm but I can't locate anything like that on the web. Maybe it's a typo.
Anyone has any other proposition/idea how can I implement it? Or maybe point my mistake. I'd appreciate that.
In comments I've received a hint that I was using Eigen
solver wrong. My A
matrix wasn't self-adjoint and my B
matrix wasn't positive-definite. I took matrices from program I want to rewrite to C++ (from random iteration) and checked if they meet the requirements. They did:
Rj =
1.0e+02 *
Columns 1 through 3
0.1302 + 0.0000i -0.0153 + 0.0724i 0.0011 - 0.0042i
-0.0153 - 0.0724i 1.2041 + 0.0000i -0.0524 + 0.0377i
0.0011 + 0.0042i -0.0524 - 0.0377i 0.0477 + 0.0000i
-0.0080 - 0.0108i 0.0929 - 0.0115i -0.0055 + 0.0021i
Column 4
-0.0080 + 0.0108i
0.0929 + 0.0115i
-0.0055 - 0.0021i
0.0317 + 0.0000i
Rt =
Columns 1 through 3
4.8156 + 0.0000i -0.3397 + 1.3502i -0.2143 - 0.3593i
-0.3397 - 1.3502i 7.3635 + 0.0000i -0.5539 - 0.5176i
-0.2143 + 0.3593i -0.5539 + 0.5176i 1.7801 + 0.0000i
0.5241 + 0.9105i 0.9514 + 0.6572i -0.7302 + 0.3161i
Column 4
0.5241 - 0.9105i
0.9514 - 0.6572i
-0.7302 - 0.3161i
9.6022 + 0.0000i
As for Rj
which is now my A
- it is self-adjoint because Rj = Rj'
and Rj = ctranspose(Rj)
. (
As for Rt
which is now my B
- it is Positive-Definite what is checked with method linked to me. ( So
>> [~,p] = chol(Rt)
p =
I've rewritten matrices manually to C++ and performed eig(A,B)
again with matrices meeting requirements:
Matrix4cd x;
Matrix4cd y;
pair<Matrix4cd, Vector4d> result;
x.real()(0,0) = 13.0163601949795;
x.real()(0,1) = -1.53172561296005;
x.real()(0,2) = 0.109594869350436;
x.real()(0,3) = -0.804231869422614;
x.real()(1,0) = -1.53172561296005;
x.real()(1,1) = 120.406645675346;
x.real()(1,2) = -5.23758765476463;
x.real()(1,3) = 9.28686785230169;
x.real()(2,0) = 0.109594869350436;
x.real()(2,1) = -5.23758765476463;
x.real()(2,2) = 4.76648319080400;
x.real()(2,3) = -0.552823839520508;
x.real()(3,0) = -0.804231869422614;
x.real()(3,1) = 9.28686785230169;
x.real()(3,2) = -0.552823839520508;
x.real()(3,3) = 3.16510496622613;
x.imag()(0,0) = -0.00000000000000;
x.imag()(0,1) = 7.23946944213164;
x.imag()(0,2) = 0.419181335323979;
x.imag()(0,3) = 1.08441894337449;
x.imag()(1,0) = -7.23946944213164;
x.imag()(1,1) = -0.00000000000000;
x.imag()(1,2) = 3.76849276970080;
x.imag()(1,3) = 1.14635625342266;
x.imag()(2,0) = 0.419181335323979;
x.imag()(2,1) = -3.76849276970080;
x.imag()(2,2) = -0.00000000000000;
x.imag()(2,3) = 0.205129702522089;
x.imag()(3,0) = -1.08441894337449;
x.imag()(3,1) = -1.14635625342266;
x.imag()(3,2) = 0.205129702522089;
x.imag()(3,3) = -0.00000000000000;
y.real()(0,0) = 4.81562784930907;
y.real()(0,1) = -0.339731222392148;
y.real()(0,2) = -0.214319720979258;
y.real()(0,3) = 0.524107127885349;
y.real()(1,0) = -0.339731222392148;
y.real()(1,1) = 7.36354235698375;
y.real()(1,2) = -0.553927983436786;
y.real()(1,3) = 0.951404408649307;
y.real()(2,0) = -0.214319720979258;
y.real()(2,1) = -0.553927983436786;
y.real()(2,2) = 1.78008768533745;
y.real()(2,3) = -0.730246631850385;
y.real()(3,0) = 0.524107127885349;
y.real()(3,1) = 0.951404408649307;
y.real()(3,2) = -0.730246631850385;
y.real()(3,3) = 9.60215057284395;
y.imag()(0,0) = -0.00000000000000;
y.imag()(0,1) = 1.35016928394966;
y.imag()(0,2) = -0.359262708214312;
y.imag()(0,3) = -0.910512495060186;
y.imag()(1,0) = -1.35016928394966;
y.imag()(1,1) = -0.00000000000000;
y.imag()(1,2) = -0.517616473138836;
y.imag()(1,3) = -0.657235460367660;
y.imag()(2,0) = 0.359262708214312;
y.imag()(2,1) = 0.517616473138836;
y.imag()(2,2) = -0.00000000000000;
y.imag()(2,3) = -0.316090662865005;
y.imag()(3,0) = 0.910512495060186;
y.imag()(3,1) = 0.657235460367660;
y.imag()(3,2) = 0.316090662865005;
y.imag()(3,3) = -0.00000000000000;
result = eig(x,y);
cout << result.first << endl << endl;
cout << result.second << endl << endl;
And the results of C++:
(0.0295948,0.00562174) (-0.253532,0.0138373) (-0.395087,-0.0139696) (-0.0918132,-0.0788735)
(-0.00994614,-0.0213973) (-0.0118322,-0.0445976) (0.00993512,0.0127006) (0.0590018,-0.387949)
(0.0139485,-0.00832193) (0.363694,-0.446652) (-0.319168,0.376483) (-0.234447,-0.0859585)
(0.173697,0.268015) (0.0279387,-0.0103741) (0.0273701,0.0937148) (-0.055169,0.0295393)
Results of MATLAB:
>> [A,B] = eig(Rj,Rt)
A =
Columns 1 through 3
0.0208 - 0.0218i 0.2425 + 0.0753i -0.1242 + 0.3753i
-0.0234 - 0.0033i -0.0044 + 0.0459i 0.0150 - 0.0060i
0.0006 - 0.0162i -0.4964 + 0.2921i 0.2719 + 0.4119i
0.3194 + 0.0000i -0.0298 + 0.0000i 0.0976 + 0.0000i
Column 4
-0.0437 - 0.1129i
0.2351 - 0.3142i
-0.1661 - 0.1864i
-0.0626 + 0.0000i
B =
0.2442 0 0 0
0 2.2431 0 0
0 0 3.2415 0
0 0 0 18.6640
are the same! Nice, but why Eigenvectors
are not similar at all?
matrix is not positive definite as required by Eigen ("This class solves the generalized eigenvalue problem $ Av = \lambda Bv $. In this case, the matrix $ A $ should be selfadjoint and the matrix $ B $ should be positive definite."). See here for determining if the matrix is PD. Likewise,x
is not selfadjoint, but I'm out of room for this comment. – Avi Ginsburg