Skype HotKeys are really annoying as they cannot be disabled from Skype itself. The most annoying of all was Ctrl+R, that started a Skype call with any of your contact if it was selected. This has been replaced recently by Ctrl+Alt+R.
Unfortunately, it happens to me that I get AltGr+R as a mapped key to the "è" character (using microsoft keybord creator). So in all my applications, I can write happily in French with a US keyboard, using AltGr+r for my "è" character all the time. Except in Skype, now.
Reading the link above, I created an AutoKey script, to disable Skype's hotkey:
#IfWinActive, ahk_exe Skype.exe ; utilizes this script for Skype only
!^r:: ; replace [ctrl][alt][r] with nothing
#If ; closes IfWinActive condition, needed if more code comes after this
But, although this disables the Skype hotkey, it prevents the normal input of my "è" character in a Skype discussion. So good, but not best, as my typing get all mangled in Skype now.
I have tried other options, but to no avail:
#IfWinActive, ahk_exe Skype.exe ; utilizes this script for Skype only
Send è
#If ; closes IfWinActive condition, needed if more code comes after this
#IfWinActive, ahk_exe Skype.exe ; utilizes this script for Skype only
SendInput {Raw}è
#If ; closes IfWinActive condition, needed if more code comes after this
But as soon as !^r is not strictly disabled, then it launched a Skype call.
Anyone with more experience with AutoHotKey and/or Skype to help me ?