
I'm running Visual Studio Code on Max OS X and constantly seeing this error. Works fine when I run directly from Terminal using dnx .run

Any suggestions on how I can fix this?

 Error Trace from Terminal   'mono' --debug  
 'Program.cs' Cannot open assembly 'Program.cs': File does not contain
 a valid CIL image.
What version of Visual Studio? What version of Mac OS X?alfakini
Looks like you made some changes to the project configuration that changed what's being run when you start the project. It shouldn't be running Program.cs.Luaan
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is about a testing build of a product with many known/unknown issues. The discussion will be rather useless once a new build is shipped.Lex Li

1 Answers


ASP.NET 5 is explicitly stated by Microsoft as not yet supported, and there are other debugging limitations,


So wait, wait, wait.