I guess my issue is linked with Read func interp of a z3 array from the z3 model, but still I can't understand how to fix it.
Edit: I think it is also linked with de bruijn index: Understanding the indexing of bound variables in Z3
Here is the small example I have built to explain the problem:
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cassert>
#include "z3++.h"
using namespace z3;
int main(void)
context ctx;
params p(ctx);
expr_vector v(ctx);
sort_vector sv(ctx);
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
std::ostringstream o;
o << "c[" << i << "]";
expr c = ctx.bv_const(o.str().c_str(),1);
expr x = ctx.bv_const("x",8);
expr one_bit = ctx.bv_val(1,1);
expr two = ctx.bv_val(2,8);
expr one = ctx.bv_val(1,8);
expr zero = ctx.bv_val(0,8);
expr fcore = x + ite(v[1] == one_bit , one, zero) + ite(v[2] == one_bit, two, zero);
func_decl f = ctx.function("f",sv,ctx.bv_sort(8));
solver s(ctx);
s.add(forall(v,f(v) == fcore));
expr_vector t1(ctx);
expr_vector t2(ctx);
t1.push_back(v[0]); t1.push_back(v[1]); t1.push_back(v[2]); t1.push_back(ctx.bv_val(0,8));
t2.push_back(v[0]); t2.push_back(v[1]); t2.push_back(v[2]); t2.push_back(ctx.bv_val(1,8));
expr constraints = (f(t1) == ctx.bv_val(1,8)) && (f(t2) == ctx.bv_val(2,8));
std::cout << "Solver: " << s << "\n\n";
model m = s.get_model();
std::cout << "Model: " << m << "\n\n";
std::cout << "Number of constants: " << m.num_consts() << "\n";
expr F = m.eval(f(v),true);
for(size_t i = 0; i < m.num_consts(); ++i)
std::cout << "\t constant " << i << ": " << "(" << m.get_const_decl(i).name() << ") " << m.get_const_interp(m.get_const_decl(i)) << "\n";
std::cout << "Number of functions: " << m.num_funcs() << "\n";
std::cout << "\t" << F << "\n";
std::cout << "unsat\n";
return 0;
By runing this program, I get the following output:
Solver: (solver
(forall ((|c[0]| (_ BitVec 1))
(|c[1]| (_ BitVec 1))
(|c[2]| (_ BitVec 1))
(x (_ BitVec 8)))
(= (f |c[0]| |c[1]| |c[2]| x)
(bvadd x (ite (= |c[1]| #b1) #x01 #x00) (ite (= |c[2]| #b1) #x02 #x00))))
(exists ((|c[0]| (_ BitVec 1)) (|c[1]| (_ BitVec 1)) (|c[2]| (_ BitVec 1)))
(and (= (f |c[0]| |c[1]| |c[2]| #x00) #x01)
(= (f |c[0]| |c[1]| |c[2]| #x01) #x02))))
Model: (define-fun |c[2]!0| () (_ BitVec 1)
(define-fun |c[1]!1| () (_ BitVec 1)
(define-fun f ((x!1 (_ BitVec 1))
(x!2 (_ BitVec 1))
(x!3 (_ BitVec 1))
(x!4 (_ BitVec 8))) (_ BitVec 8)
(bvadd x!4 (ite (= #b1 x!3) #x02 #x00) (ite (= #b1 x!2) #x01 #x00)))
Number of constants: 2
constant 0: (c[2]!0) #b0
constant 1: (c[1]!1) #b1
constant 2: (c[0]) #b0
constant 3: (c[1]) #b0
constant 4: (c[2]) #b0
constant 5: (x) #x00
Number of functions: 1
I don't get:
- Why it enumerates 6 constants and not 3 ?
- How to retrieve the value of the nth constant of vector "v" without parsing their name, which is not the nth constant of the model "m" ?
- Why c[1] evaluates to 0 while I would have expected it to evaluate to 1 ?
- What "!x" means in the name of the constant c[2]!0 and c[1]!1 ?
I would like to re-inject evaluations of c[0], c[1] and c[2] into the function f() in order to simplify its expression (I expect to get x+1)
Note: c[0] is not used on purpose...