After you've done connected component analysis try using bwlabel. It will label each of your 6 regions a number 1-6. Then you use each of the regions/labels as a mask. You look at only the values in the region and find your max
%after bwconncomp
lbls = bwlabel(my_bw_conn_output);
num_lbls = max(lbls(:));
percentage_of_max = 54;
my_thresh = zeros(1,num_lbls);
for ii=1:num_lbls
%isolates only one ROI
temp_mask = (lbls == ii);
%we do two maxes, one for rows one for columns
max_val = max(max(uint8(temp_mask) .* image_with_values_to_threshold));
%this could be for color pictures too
my_thresh(ii) = percentage_of_max * max_val
If you want to use the results of your bwconncomp directly do something more like this
%my code is written assuming you started with a grayscale image, though you
%could adapt it for a color image
cc = bwconncomp(grayscale_image);
percentage_of_max = 54;
for ii=1:cc.NumObjects
mask = zeros(cc.ImageSize);
%converts the indexes back to x,y coordinates
[x_coords,y_coords] = ind2sub(cc.ImageSize,cc.PixelIdxList{ii}(:));
mask(x_coords,y_coords) = 1;
%masks the image
roi_im = bsxfun(@times, uint8(mask), grayscale_image);
%% do processing for this region here using roi_im
curr_thresh = max(roi_im (:)) * percentage_of_max;
thesh_im = grayscale_image > curr_thresh;
another alternative is to crop the images and then to simply run your calculations on the cropped image. I jsut came across this SO post
How to crop face section from an image with given corner points. MATLAB that helps with cropping perfect squares. You can also use roipoly if you have another shape that isn't a rectangle.