I am configuring kamailio with 2 or more asterisk servers from dispatcher. I configured dispatcher table with 2 asterisk servers.
| id | setid | destination | flags | priority | attrs | description |
| 1 | 1 | sip:*.*.*.*:5160 | 2 | 1 | duid=ABC;maxload=0;my=XYZ | sip 1 |
| 2 | 1 | sip:*.*.*.*:5160 | 2 | 1 | duid=DEF;weight=10;maxload=1;my=SRV02 | sip 2 |
In kamailio.cfg file i configured as
ds_select_dst("1", "10");
I am getting problem while connecting to asterisk. It's giving error and it's taking first entry from dispatcher table.
Error is :
ERROR: dispatcher [dispatch.c:1748]: ds_select_dst_limit(): no dst ID avp for load distribution - using first entry...
Could you please tell me the configuration with argument 10 in ds_select_dest(); and what should i give in "dstid_avp".