I have seen some answers regarding WP8 or others, however it seems that there is no triggers in WP8.1 (Or I am missing something?)
I have a datatemplate bound from the code (it is a hub datatemplate, and I have a mix of static and dynamic hubsections, therefore this datatemplate needs to be set from the code).
This datatemplate is defined in a separate xaml file, it includes a listbox (or listview) with another datatemplate defined for the items.
I need to bind a command on the item's tap or listbox selectionchanged (or something equivalent). However, the tap event defined in the template is not called, therefore I thought of binding a command on an UI element, but these seems not to support Commands neither interactivity triggers.
Any clue on how to handle that? :)
On the example below I don't get the event Item_Tapped nor ListBox_SelectionChanged, I would anyway prefer to bind one of these to a command in the viewmodel.
<DataTemplate x:Key="HubSectionTemplate">
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding MyNodes}"
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Height="64" Tapped="Item_Tapped" >
<TextBlock Text="{Binding MyText}" />
This is how it is used from code:
HubSection hs = new HubSection()
ContentTemplate = Application.Current.Resources[HUBSECTION_TEMPLATE] as DataTemplate,
DataContext = model,
Tag = model.UniqueId,
Hub.Sections.Insert(firstSectIdx + 1, hs);
public class Model
public Guid UniqueId {get;set;}
public List<ItemModel> MyNodes {get;set;}
public class ItemModel
public string MyText {get;set;}
PS: The ItemModel is defined in another assembly and therefore should not be edited (the command should be in the Model class if possible)
--- EDIT ---
In order to simplify the problem, I use the following models:
public class Model
public Guid UniqueId {get;set;}
public List<ItemModel> MyNodes {get;set;}
public ICommand MyCommand {get;set;}
public class ItemModel
Model _Model;
public ItemModel(Model m) {_Model = m; }
public string MyText {get;set;}
public ICommand MyCommand { get { return _Model.MyCommand; }}
And my (temporary) solution is to use a button in the itemtemplate:
<Button HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Command="{Binding TapCommand}" Height="64">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding MyText}" />