I have registered my chromecast in the developer console and after seeing the message ready for testing I restarted it by disonnecting and reconnecting it.
I have cloned the CastHelloText reposetory from github, hosted it on my server, and loaded the sender from my chrome web-browser (with chromecast extention already installed).
So far so good, it connected to my chromecast and broadcasted the messages I wrote in my browser.
Afterwards, I registered an app to get an app ID, as a URL I gave the direct link to where my server is hosting the receiver page - which is unchanged from the repository.
I then changed the applicationID
varuble in the sender to the one I got. However now, when I refreshed the page, the console shows the following output:
Found cast extension: boadgeojelhgndaghljhdicfkmllpafd
chromehellotext.html:173 onInitSuccess
chromehellotext.html:173 receiver list empty
Switching it back makes it work again, it finds my device and connects to it.
The only thing that changes is the appID in the sender application.
Why does it not find my device when I'm using my appID? What else can I check?