I have just switch to Smack 4.1 from depreciated asmack. Smack 4.1 is automatically sending receipts with wrong id attached which is causing exception in my case.
Smack 4.1 is attaching 2 different id's with receipt
Here is the chat message received
RECV (0): <message from='***' to='***' xml:lang='en' id='65' kind='0' type='chat'><body>vhh</body><request xmlns='urn:xmpp:receipts'/></message>
Here is the received receipt generated by Smack 4.1 in response of chat message
SENT (0): <message to='***' id='roZ7C-32' type='chat'><received xmlns='urn:xmpp:receipts' id='65'/></message>
Smack 4.1 is attaching 2 different ids with Received Receipt id='roZ7C-32' and id='65'
My Question ares :
- How can I make these 2 ids same
- How can I disable the receipts so that I can generate my custom recipts
<received … id='65'/>
. – Flow