
so I've searched high and low for a solution but can't quite find anything that works in a clean way. What I'd like to do is define a content block and use that content block not only in the post itself but in a loop of posts as well. Consider it something like custom content types for posts.

I'd like to do something like this...

in my test_post.md:

layout: post
title: Test Post
This is the random post content

{% capture test %} This is a test capture {% endcapture %}

in my post.html I'd like to do something like:

layout: default
<article class="post">
{{ content }}

I know that I can do this in the front matter but this seems dirty to me. I also found a plugin That almost does what I need but it doesn't allow any access to these content blocks outside of the post page, meaning I can't show custom content blocks in a loop on the home page. I'm open to any plugins or suggestions. Thanks!

TL;DR I'd like to create content blocks, in posts, that can be reused anywhere, including loops on the homepage.

Do you want to create custom content blocks, where they only contain specific blocks of text, or you just want to grab the entire contents of a post (i.e all the markdown text there without the YAML)? If it's the second one, {{ post.content }} works beautifully. Else you probably have to do front matter method (I'll post an answer once I get this clarification) :)matrixanomaly
My thought is, I can hand it off to someone savvy, but has less programming knowledge than me, and they can figure out that content_block_one shows in a specific spot. I guess I'd like to have designated blocks that can show anywhere similar to my example. In the post define a block of content, just markdown and in the template, use it.Greg Thompson
I see, so you have a chunk of markdown that will be split into e.g content_block_one, two, etc, inserted in the layout differently. I guess the way to go with that is using captures like what you did, or else the default is only {{ post.content }} which is all text other than the frontmatter, I used it to inject the content in a specific div.matrixanomaly

1 Answers


You could use includes. Just create a file like _includes/test.html:

This is the random post content

And then put this wherever you want it to be included:

{% include test.html %}