I am trying to plot the frequency response of my sequence when filtered by a butterworth, low-pass filter. I have my pole and zero plot figured out just fine but can't seem to get my frequency response plotted correctly. When I do my axis are always way out of scale. I've tried using Matlab's bode
function to no avail. A sample input that I have been using would be something like this buttdes(1000, 2500, -3, -20, 20000)
. Any help is much appreciated!! Here is my code so far :
function buttdes(fpass, fstop, dp, ds, fs)
%// Design a discrete-time Butterworth filter
%// BUTTDES(fpass, fstop, dp, ds, fs) designs and plots the bode plot
%// of the resulting analog-equivalent filter that has been
%// designed to match the analog parameters fpass (in Hz),
%// fstop (in Hz), dp (in dB) and ds (in dB).
%// fs is the sample rate in Hz
wp = fpass/fs;
ws = fstop/fs;
WpT = 2 * tan(wp / 2);
WsT = 2 * tan(ws / 2);
qp = log10(10^-(dp/10)-1);
qs = log10(10^-(ds/10)-1);
N = ceil((qs-qp) / 2 / log10(WsT / WpT));
WcT = WpT * 10^(-qp/2/N);
k = 0:N-1;
skT = WcT * exp(j*pi*(2*k+N+1)/2/N);
b = real(prod(skT./(skT -2))) * poly(-ones(1, N));
a = real(poly(-(skT+2)./(skT-2)));
zplane(b, a);