After creating my setup.exe I have to pack it for various software deployment tools. Therefore I can't call the setup.exe with parameters, instead I have placed my own parameters in a setup.ini file next to the setup.exe
MyIniFile: String;
function InitializeSetup(): Boolean;
LoadFromIniFile: String;
Result := true;
MyIniFile := ExpandConstant('{srcexe}'); //writes the full path of the setup.exe in "MyIniFile"
MyIniFile := Copy(MyIniFile, 1, Length(MyIniFile) - Length(ExtractFileExt(MyIniFile))) + '.ini'; //changes the ".exe" into ".ini"
if FileExists(MyIniFile) then LoadFromIniFile := MyIniFile; //checks wether there is a ini-file
if LoadFromIniFile <> '' then begin
MyLogFile := GetIniString('Setup', 'Log', MyLogFile , LoadFromIniFile);
ProductName := GetIniString('Setup', 'ProductName', ProductName, LoadFromIniFile);
Now I want to also place the so called "Setup Command Line Parameters" (listed on the Inno Setup Help site) in my ini-file. I think that there is a way for the /Dir="x:\dirname
parameter, which I did not figure out yet. But I also want to have the /SILENT
parameter in there, do you think there is a way to do this? If yes, how would you do this? If not, can you please give me a hint why not?