How to add commands using Visual Studio Class Wizard
in Visual Studio, open your project, then in the upper menu go to:
- Project>Class Wizard
- select your project and your class name(in your case
- on the
tab in the search field type your Edit ID
- Select it and the ListBox called
will be filled with all the messages from that control
- Select
and press Add Handler
and type a name that you want or leave the default one
- then press OK or
Edit Code
and you should be right there on the method implementation
- everything should be set and created automatically by the class wizard: Method declaration, Method Implementation, Message Map
How to add commands manually
Go to your class declaration(usually in the .h file) and add the method declaration, you will have to know the type of the function you need to add
afx_msg void OnSetfocusEdit();
go to the message map (usually in the cpp file) and add the mapping, you will have to know the macro that you have to use, in this case ON_EN_SETFOCUS
ON_EN_SETFOCUS(IDC_YOUR_EDIT_ID, &CTestHarnessDlg::OnSetfocusEdit)
go to your cpp (usually in the cpp file) and add the method implementation
void CTestHarnessDlg::OnSetfocusEdit()
if( !GetSystemDirectory( sysDir, MAX_PATH) )
ShellExecute(NULL, NULL, L"osk.exe", _T("") , sysDir, SW_SHOW);
using osk.exe
the command ShellExecute(NULL, NULL, L"osk.exe", _T("") , sysDir, SW_SHOW);
will open window's on screen virtual keyboard, you don't ahve to create your own keyboard dialog there is already one by default on windows
not using osk.exe
you will have to create your own dialog (CKeyboard) but IMO you shouldn't use CDialog::DoModal method, you should make the dialog modeless using CDialog::Create then use CWnd::ShowWindow and then use CWnd::SetWindowPos to move your dialog where you want.