
Whenever a page load happens after selecting a value from list box or clicking a button, watir waits for the page to load. But in watir webdriver it doesn't wait in the case of list box selection. I used both watir and watir-webdriver against the same application.

Can anyone confirm this behavior? Any idea why it was there in watir but not in watir webdriver?



In the above sample code, two times the page is loaded. one is after the selection and the other one is after click on the button.

In the case of watir , it by default waits for both the page loads. But watir webdriver waits in the case of button click but not on selection.

Since I am working on migrating from watir to webdriver i am interested to understand this behaviour before do changes to the existing code.

This all depends on the content you are testing. If the page appears to be dynamically reloading just a section of the page, you'll need to wait for AJAX operations to finish before calling any additional WatirWebdriver code. Does using a select list redirect you to an entirely new page or just a section of the page?Sonja Leaf
If you post the minimal amount of code to reproduce the issue, it will help others provide better, less speculative answers.orde
@orde I have provided additional details to my question. These days most of the people don't reload entire page and they dynamically update part of the page using Ajax. Therefore I am not able find out a sample application.sivaguru perumal
@A.V.Leaf This is an old application and hence the entire page is reloaded. We don't use Ajax heresivaguru perumal

1 Answers


I cannot speak to Watir, but Watir-webdriver has plenty of methods available that would allow you wait until an element is present/visible before acting on it. I personally have not used watir, but my assumption based on your question would be that watir possibly takes care of the waiting for you, whereas watir-webdriver gives you more control but allowing you deliberate control over the waiting