
The transpilation of the .sass file is not happening correctly. the css file created are having following error statement. "Error: File to import not found or unreadable: compass." in the generated css file

I have a angular app which has some .sass files it has been created with the help of yo angular command.
gruntfile.js :

compass: {
   options: {
   sassDir: '<%= yeoman.app %>/styles',
   cssDir: '<%= yeoman.temp %>/styles',
   generatedImagesDir: '<%= yeoman.temp %>/images/generated',
   imagesDir: '<%= yeoman.app %>/images',
   javascriptsDir: '<%= yeoman.app %>/scripts',
   fontsDir: '<%= yeoman.app %>/styles/fonts',
   importPath: '<%= yeoman.app %>/bower_components',
   httpImagesPath: '/images',
   httpGeneratedImagesPath: '/images/generated',
   httpFontsPath: '/styles/fonts',
   relativeAssets: true,
   assetCacheBuster: true
  dist: {
   options: {
    generatedImagesDir: '<%= yeoman.dist %>/images/generated'
server: {
options: {
  debugInfo: true

I have ruby installed and the following gems are there.


  • bigdecimal (1.2.4)
  • bundle (0.0.1)
  • bundler (1.10.0.pre)
  • chunky_png (1.3.4)
  • compass (1.0.3)
  • compass-core (1.0.3)
  • compass-import-once (1.0.5)
  • ffi (1.9.8 x86-mingw32)
  • haml (4.0.6)
  • io-console (0.4.3)
  • json (1.8.1)
  • minitest (4.7.5)
  • multi_json (1.11.0)
  • psych (2.0.5)
  • rake (10.1.0)
  • rb-fsevent (0.9.4)
  • rb-inotify (0.9.5)
  • rdoc (4.1.0)
  • sass (3.4.13)
  • test-unit (
  • tilt (2.0.1)
If you use the compass command directly, does it still give the same error?cimmanon
Can you provide a link to your SASS file?Raunaq
I think that was some compass version problem. rolling back to the older version solved the issuenone

1 Answers

  1. rolling back to the following version by first uninstalling the compass 1.0.3 and sass 3.4.13. Then installing the following version solved the issue.

    • gem install sass -v 3.2.9
    • gem install compass -v 0.12.7