I would use the Azure Scheduler. If your are familiar with a Cron job, this is very similar. All the Azure Scheduler does is make a REST call to an end point on a schedule. This would probably be more cost affective then setting up a worker role. Also, I would make sure to take into account security when setting up the Azure Scheduler. I would pass some type of secret to the API as a parameter so that it's not open to anonymous calls (although technically it would be.) If you want to execute certain tasks during the call, then I would store them in a table in your database. The worker role came before the Azure Scheduler, so the worker role lost in my book when the scheduler was made public.
Another thought, is to look into the automation option in Azure: https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/azure/dn643629.aspx
With this option you can execute PowerShell scripts: