
I am trying to import a sharepoint site and have got the following error.

Error: Unable to update the information in the Microsoft Office document (doc name with relative url)

This is a MOSS 2007 site collection. Exported from one server farm and trying to import to an "identical" but different server farm. The exact cmd I am running is as follows

stsadm -o import -url (http://webaddress) -filename (path to .cmp file) -includeusersecurity -haltonfatalerror -updateversions 2

How do I fix this?

Update (10 June 2010): I tried deleting the doc file from the source site with the intension of exporting without it but it would not let me delete it! Any spark?


2 Answers


I have seen this error if you have files greater than 5 MB in the source site you exported.

If the file sizes don't seem to be an issue, try using the -nofilecompression option on both your export and import to see if that gets around your problem.


Possibly an issue related to blocked file extensions but since you say this is an office document I guess that's pretty unlikely.