I create a cluster for trying out kubernetes using cluster/kube-up.sh in Amazon EC2. Then I stop it to save money when not using it. Next time I start the master & minion instances in amazon, *~/.kube/config has old IP-s for the cluster master as EC2 assigns new public IP to the instances.
Currently I havent found way to provide Elastic IP-s to cluster/kube-up.sh so that consistent IP-s between stopping & starting instances would be set in place. Also the certificate in ~/.kube/config for the old IP so manually changing IP doesn't work either:
Running: ./cluster/../cluster/aws/../../cluster/../_output/dockerized/bin/darwin/amd64/kubectl get pods --context=aws_kubernetes
Error: Get x509: certificate is valid for, not
How to make kubectl make queries against the same kubernetes master on a running on different IP after its restart?