I'm trying to replicate the results of SAS's PROC GENMOD with glm in R. The model I'm trying to fit is
In SAS, the code and result is:
proc sort data=skin; by id year;
proc genmod data=skin;
class id yearcat;
model y=year trt*year / dist=poisson link=log type3 wald waldci;
repeated subject=id / withinsubject=yearcat type=un;
Analysis Of GEE Parameter Estimates
Empirical Standard Error Estimates
Standard 95% Confidence
Parameter Estimate Error Limits Z Pr > |Z|
Intercept -1.3341 0.0815 -1.4938 -1.1743 -16.37 <.0001
year -0.0090 0.0271 -0.0622 0.0441 -0.33 0.7392
year*trt 0.0429 0.0319 -0.0195 0.1053 1.35 0.1781
As I want, there are only three coefficients estimated, for intercept, year, and year*treat.
In R, however, four coefficients are estimated, even though my model only specifies three:
> glm1<-glm(Y~year+treat*year,data=skin,family="poisson")
> summary(glm1)
glm(formula = Y ~ year + treat * year, family = "poisson", data = skin)
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -1.34810 0.07647 -17.629 <2e-16 ***
year -0.01192 0.02528 -0.472 0.637
treat1 0.05850 0.10468 0.559 0.576
year:treat1 0.03113 0.03454 0.901 0.367
Does anyone have a suggestion on how to specify my glm() command in R to obtain estimates of only year and year*treat, and not treatment alone?
. The*
notation adds the full and interaction terms,:
only adds the interaction – user20650